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computer parallel port help..plz read once

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Yeah, I'd look for any configuration that proposed to take up backlash.

yes .. i was thinking about the same that may be the Kcam is sending some extra steps to controller bcoz when i created that controller at that time it was working fine and when i started it at next day i wasn't working good.. so i think i messed up with the settings... i tried it after reinstalling Kcam.. but there is a still same problem.. i think i have to format the whole PC and then try to run that controller ( i hope that will work) .. i am thinking to try that controller on my class's computer bcoz i think that may be the controller damaged the parallel port of my brothers computer(my current computer) ... i changed both ICs and the capacitor but it is having the same problem .. so now i will try by formatting the pc or i will run it from someone else's computer...

AND guyz plz inform in about some good and easy parallel port stepper motor controller...bcoz if this one doesn't worked then i must have to try something else....

thankx for reading
I do not think reinstalling the OS will help. Study the setting till you understand them and correct the problem. The setting may be close enough that it will work when the moon is in the right phase. What I am saying is that I would not depend on it working the once as an indication that a clean install will help. is 11:30 PM i will try it again tomorrow with correct settings ... i hope it will work....and if it doesn't work then i think only a electronic god can help me...hehehehe....
ok guyz ..i will send you my reports tomorrow..
see ya..

thank you all for all your helps ...

edited ::- i dont know what is wrong went with that controller bcoz it was working fine at night and when i tried it at next morning at that time it was showing me this problem ( it was giving me extra steps)...
i think the the controller lost his short term memory...he he he( just joking)
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no guyz...this thing does not work correctly...plz plz plz guide me to any other good cnc controller...plzzzzzzzzz
hey guyz... my controller is now working totally i am going to make the machine ...thankx for all your help friends ....
every one talks about some software callled EMC2 or ECM2 ... what is that software is about?...i googled it but i wasn't found if you have any idea about that software then plz send me full name of that software or may be it's web address...
thankx for reading friends.
EMC2 is a software system for computer control of machines such as milling machines, lathes, plasma cutters, cutting machines, robots, hexapods, etc.

You can read about it by looking here. Also keep in mind it is Linux kernel based software that I linked to.

thankx RON, i got all information about ECM now....

friends i have my stepper motor controller fully working... but i need some calculation (details about gears) .. i dont have any mechanical knowledge so can some one of you plz calculate the following details for me?

details =
my stepper motor have 10mm gear. which as 19 gears (points,curves or i dont know what is name of that part on a gear) and my motor completes a round in 48 steps.

so my question is = i want to run a big gear by my motors small gear. bcoz it will give me more perfection and torque.
my goal is to connect a gear at the and of the threaded road (or a long screw) and run that by my stepper motor and GET PERFECTION OF 0.001MM ... yes you got me it is 0.001mm.....that means if my motors gear moves 1 step then my cnc must move plz help me up...

i want the details like = the size of other gear at the and of the threaded road(screw) and the pitch size of the threaded road..........
points,curves or i dont know what is name of that part on a gear)

They are called "teeth"

so my question is = i want to run a big gear by my motors small gear. bcoz it will give me more perfection and torque.
my goal is to connect a gear at the and of the threaded road (or a long screw) and run that by my stepper motor and GET PERFECTION OF 0.001MM ... yes you got me it is 0.001mm.....that means if my motors gear moves 1 step then my cnc must move plz help me up...

For spur gears ( the round, flat ones) the ratio will be the relative diameters. So, for example, if you are driving a 20mm diameter gear with a 10mm diameter gear, the gear ratio is 1:2. For the screw gear, the pitch is how far your mechinism will travel in a single rotation, or else the reciprical of the pitch. In other words, for a pitch of 10, your mechinism will travel 1/10 inch ( US standard, if pitch is given in mm, just substitute mm for in. ) for every rotation. So lets see an example:

1/10 inch/revolultion
____________________________ = .001 inch/step
48 steps/revolution*2(gear ratio)

Beware however, tolerance errors can easily swamp your accuracy.
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BrownOut thankx for your reply...
i didn't get all of what you said..but i think i understand you a bit .... so calculated that = my motor's gear is 10mm and it completes a rotation in 48 steps and 2nd gear is 100mm. and i want 0.001mm movement per step that means = my 2nd gear will complete a rotation in 480 steps and to get 0.001mm movement i have to use a 0.48 pitch (of the threaded road = 0.001*480) .

Am i right?
Almost. Your required pitch is:

480*.001 = 1/pitch => pitch = 1/.48 = 2.08 threads/mm.
but my friend 2.08/480= 0.004333333333 movement per step.... and that will be incorrect ..

i mean = i cant understand that how did you calculated my calculation i will need a .48 pitch... but why do we need to do "1/.48=2.08" ? ... i cant understand it...
You want 1/(2.08*480) = .001. Remember that the travel per rotation is the reciprocal of the pitch. If you have a hard time understanding, do what I do; use dimentional analysis:

IE if you want mm/per step, look at the dimentions:

mm/step =                                 1                                         1
                                  __________________________  = ______________________
                                     rotation/mm * steps/rotation           pitch * steps/rotation

(sorry, that crap looks better in my edit window ^)

or equivilently: 1/pitch*1/steps <=> mm/rotation*rotation/steps = mm/step.

I know it's confusing. Give it some time and it should sink in. :)
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yes BrownOut it is very very confusing (at-list for me). let me tell you that what i understand from that ======
mm/step = ||||||| 1 ||||||||||||||||| = ||||||||||||||||| 1
---------------------------- ||||| ------------------------------------
||||||| 1000*1 ||||||||||| ||||| ||||||||| ?*1

oh god...i cant understand how to calculate it... this is why i am not an engineer bcoz i dont know maths ...
the all i can calculate is = my motor's gear's size is 10mm and i am adding a 100mm gear to it , so the the steps to complete a rotation for the road became 480.

and 0.001*480 = 0.48 i will need a 0.48 pitch for the road....right?....

i really cant understand that why is your answers is 2.08... and why did you done 1/.48=2.08 .

AND YES. THE WAY I CALCULATING IS---------- 1 ROTATION = 1mm .. that means if my 100mm gear completes a rotation than the total movement of the screw must be 1mm.... do you get me?

i know that my answer is very confusing too...hehehe... but seriously= i want to solve this calculation ...plz plz help
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I don't know what else to tell you. If you use my formula you get the right answer. I don't think I can make it any more clear.

EDIT: I'll try once more. The measure "pitch" is given in rotations/mm, but you need an answer in mm/rotation. So you have to use 1/pitch. Once you accept or understand that, it should be very simple.
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Referring to one of your earlier posts, "..when I connect LEDs all of them became ON"..

Sorry, I am going to revise my reply.
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