connecting MC to WIFI Router to PC

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New Member
First of all i am new to this forum and happy that members are ready to help.Thanks

Now iam using Windows XP SP2

Now comes my problem guys

I am currently doing a project in which i want my MC and PC to communicate with each other using WIFI router.i want to send and receive some small bits of data.i know a bit about PC part but i am new with MC can i communicate with a WIFI Router???? i gathered some knowledge that we have to use a Wireless card now can anyone tell me more on this.

and one more question.Suppose i am making use of USB.Now my MC has send a data to PC now how can i receive these data.In which part of memory does my PC store my MC data.

Please help.This is just a mini project.

Thank you for helping me
If MC stands for MicroController, then you need a Wifi module that's made for this. Something like the Wiz610wi. I'm sure others will have other module options.

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Suppose i am making use of USB.Now my MC has send a data to PC now how can i receive these data.In which part of memory does my PC store my MC data.
That depends entirely on the USB host program on the PC.

Please help.This is just a mini project.
Sounds more like a megga project to me. Have you flashed a LED with your microcontroller yet?
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i am trying to create a driver that will fetch data to my main program that will show status of my microcontroller and i will not make use of any terminal software and how much does that wifi module cost(good & cheapest ).And i really appreciate u guys for helping.Thanks!
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