There are so many ways to conserve energy it's unbelievable. And most of them do not require any sacrifice of living comfort at all.
Use the microwave for as much of your cooking as you can.
Turn off the computer when you're not using it.
Put in a waste water heat exchanger to preheat hot water.
Put in double curtains for additional insulation for your windows.
etc, etc, etc.
Wake up at dawn so you get the maximum benefit from daylight. This one I love as everyone is always bitching about daylight savings. What do you think it's for?
Lights are the least of anyone's worries when it comes to household power consumption.
Use the microwave for as much of your cooking as you can.
Turn off the computer when you're not using it.
Put in a waste water heat exchanger to preheat hot water.
Put in double curtains for additional insulation for your windows.
etc, etc, etc.
Wake up at dawn so you get the maximum benefit from daylight. This one I love as everyone is always bitching about daylight savings. What do you think it's for?
Lights are the least of anyone's worries when it comes to household power consumption.