Control of DC Motor Speed

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New Member

I have to control the speed of a motor.

After I get the control signal I need to send it to an actuator to change the speed of the DC Motor.

I was thinking to use a circuit (attached image) with a IC 555 and a MOSFET. So by changing the duty cycle of the PWM I will change the speed of the Motor.

The problem is that the circuit is using a potentiometer to do this job, and I want to use the control signal to change the speed. Please, do you have any idea how I can do this??? Maybe the pin 5 of the 555?? Please help me to find a solution, or what kind of actuator I can use to change the speed of the motor?

Thanks for your help,



  • ne555-pwm-dimmer-circuit.gif
    4.9 KB · Views: 1,213
What is the source of your control signal? Is it an analog voltage, logic data stream, Serial Port, USB, parallel binary, etc, etc?
Do you want forward and reverse?
What is the actuator? Is is a stepper motor, an ordinary 3-pole DC motor or a SERVO.
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