Control Room Lamp with PIC and Switch

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I'm having some issues trying to create a circuit to control a room lamp with a pic. I can turn the lamp on/off with the pic or switch with no problem. But what I'm having problems with is that If I have the lamp turned on with the pic I would want the switch to turn it off no matter what it's state is. I can only turn the lamp off with the pic if it's on from the switch. I'm trying to accomplish this witch relays. Any idea will be appreciated thanks. It's something like the switch will remain in "normal" operation to mater what happens on the other side of the pic if it dies or something. Imagine that the 5v switch is from the Microchip. So If J2 is closed lamp is ON, what I want is that if J1 is then flipped the lamp goes OFF.



  • test.JPG
    51.1 KB · Views: 294
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How about a standard 3Way switch circuit. The switch can control the lamp regardless of what the Pic's Relay does...

Minor nit. In your original circuit, the relay/PIC ground was shared with the lamp circuit. Bad, Bad, Bad....


  • 3waySw.gif
    42.3 KB · Views: 379
Yeah, the ground sharing thing is just until I get it working. I have a circuit similar to that one if there is a three way switch on the wall. But what id the switch on wall was SPST and not three way. That;s?
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