convert 0.12 vac to dc

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New Member
hi all,

I've current transformer(CT) which has 0.24VAC @ 4A & 0.12VAC @ 2A. I need to convert it to nice 0.24DC. can any one help me?

thanks in advance

That's interested to know why do you want to change CURRENT transromer output into voltage ?

but two thoughts if you can clearify:

1- why not to use its AC current output 2 to 4 A and do get what do you need of it.

2- You have range of output and asking for only 0.24vDc in all casses ?
I've current transformer(CT) which has 0.24VAC @ 4A & 0.12VAC @ 2A. I need to convert it to nice 0.24DC. can any one help me?

I am assuming that this is a conventional current transformer, ie a winding on a toroidal core with the main current carrying wire passing through the hole in the toroid.

I also assume that the output (DC) is to drive some instrumentation.

The voltages you quote are a bit (a lot!) on the low side for a simple diode rectifier.
One possiblilty would be to increase the load resistor so that you have several volts to work with, if that is possible.

The other thing you could do is to use an op-amp in a "precision rectifier" configuration.

Try googling "precision rectifier", or look here:
for a promising looking circuit.

Maybe this idea will interest you. You could follow it with a low pass filter to smooth out the ripple for nice DC.

**broken link removed**
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