converting a low volt tacho signal to a 12 volt signal

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New Member
hi there everyone, im new to this forum and i need your help please.
im fitting an aftermarket tacho to a yamaha R1 motorcycle. the tacho that im fitting needs to be triggered by a 12 volt square wave signal. the bikes ecu
only emits 1 volt square wave signal. how do i convert this to a 12volt signal? im thinking that a comparator type circut using a LM393 might work?
if this is the correct type of circut i need help with the layout as im not all that clued up on this type of circut. i have a little experience in electronics
(kit builder) your help would be most appreciative.

thanks allan
Have you verified that it is 1v square wave that the ECU, or are you using a data sheet. If you verified it - what did you use, a voltmeter or a scope?

dont really know much about transistors, i just experement or copy diagrams off the net and adapt to my needs, but I believe 0.7v will trigger a transistor, so mabey you could get away with a single transistor and mabey a few resistors - im sure someone who knows what there talking about will chime in with something useful.

As per your PM, have redrawn the circuit.
I would use the 'A' input, the other half of the LM393 is 'spare'

I have shown the RV1 setting for 2V, so adjust for 1V. OK


  • Tacho1.gif
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thanks mate for your help thats exactly what i was looking for . hope to share some of my own projects whit you guys

once again thanks allan
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