My buttons? I'm full disclosure. It irks me when people are righteous, rude, and condescending. So I call him out on it. Why do you think tcm has a problem with so many in this community? Look at his sig line. He loves toying with people. I call out junk behavior and personalities like that.
Too funny!
You just cant let it go can you?
I don't have a problem with anyone here because I am a rational adult who has my emotions under control well enough to not read more into things than is likely there. Like going ape poop over someones signature line that tells you not to do exactly what you are doing for the exact reasons that are happening.
Now that said, yes I know some people develop problems with me, because I expect more of them than they expect of themselves, plus many have some deep seated emotional issues and other psychological issues as well that are easily brought to the surface.
Others are overly and unnecessarily competitive about what they think they know and really don't like being one upped on anything they say. Not my problem.
I think you're a bit of both and its working against you so you need a monster in the closet to blame for your failings and I am it because I have no problem with calling you out on your claims and making you flesh them out to their end even if all it does is make you disprove yourself.
However beyond all of that, if someone trolls or outrightly attacks me for no good reason beyond their imaginations of me then, yes. The claws come out and my fun starts just as my signature implies.
Would you like it if I started attacking you by calling you a whiny little snowflake who cant handle being treated like an adult and then start taking you apart piece by piece, because I can. If you think I am under your skin now just wait until I decide to start making a nest in you head on purpose! I'm very catty so dont act like a little angry mouse!
And to clear something up with you, I never suggested or even implied one could transfer energy without a loss. Every one of my posts disclosed that.
So you go about explaining something poorly and don't expect to be corrected or asked to explain yourself in better detail
in a technical forum where sharing thoughts and ideas in order to refine a concept so that everyone understands what you talking about is some how unfairly targeting you?
This isn't preschool and you don't get participation trophy just for being here. If you want positive recognition then you have to bring something to the table that actually adds working value above and beyond anything else anyone else brought in.
The guy (tcm) deserves to be called out on his behavior. It's a private forum so if the mods like his behavior and want to delete my posts, that's their deal. It drives users away. Not sure why they would want that. He was so quick and eager to prove someone wrong he didn't even understand what he was reading. After our exchange and realizing I never at all suggested over-unity works he gets on my case about why I even posted in the first place. The guy is rude and just out to serve his own ego.
Yes it's a private forum frequency by people of similar interest but wildly different experience levels and personalities and some of us don't suffer proud immature fools (who throw temper tantrums when things don't go their way) lightly. (as you found out.)
Unfortunately it's a technical discussions and idea sharing forum which means that a lot of us are experienced professionals who expect a certain level of professional courtesy and interactions, like when someone throws out an idea they flesh it out into something solid so that its validity or lack thereof can be seen by everyone.
If you cant handle being treated like a professional, who may get called on to explain themselves in detail, then don't enter the room and come up the the big kids table and join the game. This isn't a LARPing forum where you get to pretend your something you are not and just throw around BS imaginations to solve ideas, we are real technical and engineering minded people and expect others to try and conduct themselves as the same.
If you throw out an idea thats weak don't get mad at whomever made you flesh it out and prove it own weakness, especially if you knew it was bad right from the start. Like recognizes like and sometimes it can be quite brutal when you get called out for not proving you fit in the flock.