Coolest Monsters

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Space Varmint

New Member
— Opening narration – The Control Voice – 1960s

That was the best show! The old one. I have been trying to find a picture of "The Man from Galaxy X". Can't find him. But that show had a collection of some of the best monsters and it was mind expanding too.

The things they came up with were really out there! You know they took it off the air because parents were complaining that their kids were having bad night mares and couldn't I loved it.

One of the stories that comes to mind was O.B.I.T. The Outer Band Individual Teletracer. Seems this guy had introduced this box to the gov't. You could input different codes into it and see the person that code pertained to. Well it became very controversial due to privacy issues and it ended up in court. So while these guys are building their cases for & against, one of the prosecuting attorneys was particularly savvy in matters of technology and espionage. He happened to get the code of the guy who introduced this gadget and claimed it was his patent. He couldn't figure it out at first but later he did, so while he was in court and the guy who supposedly invented it was there too, he dialed in his code and it was a crazy looking alien creature. The guy saw it and got up and starting making a speech and you could see him moving and speaking simultaneously on the box. He looked normal in the court room but was that alien creature on the box.
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They are currently re running the whole series of The Outer Limits on UK TV.
Everybody always says that but it's never the old one.

These are, remember the Ant City?
on a couple of days ago, a young Beau Bridges, in glorious Black and White.!

Todays was the when the guy was trapped inside the hazard containment room.


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Another EDIT: dont have nightmares.!
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There's a picture of the Galaxy Being on one of those links I posted.!

That last link is not the old Outer Limits.

God, I'm still waiting the the "Galaxy" one to come up. OK, that's not the man from Galaxy X. I remember that one though. He got sucked in through that guys monitor. Crazy stuff!

The man from Galaxy X was played by the guy who played Capt. Kurk on Star Trek. He was a guinea pig of the gov't. They played tricks on his mind to make him think he went into outer space and they operated on him and turned him into this wild looking being. But his wife and him had a signal between each other where they would touch each other between the eyes as a special gesture between just the two of them. So right before he died he did that to her and then she knew what they did to him. She was mad as hell!

But he looked wild. He had like a football shaped head and scales all over his body. Crazy looking!
Now this guy wasn't from the Outer Limits but you know he was cool!

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The Creature from the Black Lagoon
The 'Outer Limits' has to be without a doubt the scariest Sci-Fi ever to grace the small screen. A feat not achieved with special effects, but by identifying our darkest fears and gently tugging at them. When the punchline comes at the end, only then does the true horror of the episode fill one and sit like a lead brick in the stomach.

Favorite Monster - Nikki de Boer, Outer Limits (new version) from the episode "The Quality of Mercy" with Robert Patrick. (Nikki de Boer is better known for playing Esri Dax in the Star Trek franchise and Robert Patrick the liquid metal android of Terminator II)

Call me old fashioned but when a good looking woman rips the head off an alien slug and sucks the goo out with gusto something ain't quite right with her. She does it marvelously by the way and it's worth watching just for that scene alone.

Of course B.E.M.S. (bug eyed monsters) are a recurring theme with many a special effects department and across the pond in England many a small child has been found cowering behind the furniture at the sight of the 'Sea Devils' from the Dr Who series.


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Some of new ones were pretty good but you just can't beat the old ones. They were so deep. They had some awesome writers! You talk about robots they had this guy who was some kind of agent fighting against an enemy that was destroying the world with nuclear weapons. There is like no one left alive accept occasional guys dressed all in black with black ski masks. Well he runs into this beautiful woman who somehow escaped the carnage. I think she was some kind of agent too. Anyway he takes her under his wing as they try to find out where the population of the earth went. They fight these guys along the way and he has a robot arm and he talks to it like a computer. The arm tells him he has to find all the fingers that go to the arm / hand. So they are finding them one by one and fighting these black uniformed dudes and she thinks he's a good fighter and nice looking and she starts falling in love with him. Well it gets toward the end of the show and he finally they get all the fingers for the computer arm and it tells him that the people of the earth are stored in a wire in his body. She's standing there looking at him and he opens his shirt and he is all robot, he just had a human head and one human arm.

That's pretty far out! Of course those were the days when the Corvet Sting Ray first came out like with the split-T windows fastback and hide away lights. That thing looked like a space ship. Sweet!
Now this guy wasn't from the Outer Limits but you know he was cool!

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The Creature from the Black Lagoon

hi SV,
Question for Space Varmint

do you know what those different colours on the Creatures hands indicate...??
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When I was a Kid.

We use to have trading cards with the Wolf man,Mummy,Vampires. I could only trade them with my cousins.

At school I couldn't find anyone with them to trade with maybe it had something to do with my Family. I had some pictures laying around of my cousins.


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One of my all time favorite monter-vampire and maybe the first screen monster is 1922 Nosferatu.
I love him!

A kindof trailer on youtube
trailer on youtube

The original film on
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It looks like one of those pictures that appears 3D if you view it though special glasses.

Man that is cool! I got the glasses right here. If you move your head from side to side his hands move. I just set him as my desktop. There went George Washington Crossing the Delaware.

Speaking of which. Man that Alex Jones reminds me a bit of George Washington.
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