Copying a bit of layout in Eagle

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Well-Known Member
We need two 6w buckboost converters on our PCB, being layed out in Eagle 7.4.
We have layed out one of the buckboosts, and just want to copy/paste it so we have two...but Eagle wont let gives errors and wont let us copy the wanted bit of layout.
Please advise.
The attached is the scm and brd so far.


  • PCB and
    80.3 KB · Views: 197
I think you have to close the schematic and say good bye to back annotation and any further relationship between schematic and pcb. Maybe there is some script to do it properly with copying the schematic parts as well.
I just copy and pasted large parts of your schematic. First mark the area, select the copy icon, right click and select copy group.

Edit, maybe I misunderstood. Do you want to copy the board?
It's complicated afaik. I am not familiar with the new versions, but it's possible. If you try to start in the schematic, your board will be populated with parts that need to be replicated. If you start in the board editor, it'll just tell you to do it in the schematic.

IIRC, the way I've done it is to close the schematic, then copy/paste the block of parts and traces in the board editor. At this point, when you open the schematic, ERC will fail and annotation is broken. Copy/paste the corresponding block of parts/wires in the schematic, and then use ERC error report as a guide to rename segments and components. When ERC passes, you'll regain back-annotation. When you're replicating things like this, you might have to be careful to make sure that your new segments aren't all connected to the same nets as the old ones.

An alternative approach would perhaps be to replicate the block in the schematic editor, At this point, you'll have a pile of unconnected parts in the board editor. Go to the board editor, turn off component origins and replicate the relevant copper without the components. Then you should be able to place the pile of new components on the replicated copper, and rename the segments to match what the ratsnest expects.

I'm not sitting in front of Eagle atm, but this is my recollection. It's something along those lines.
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So like many things in eagle, its a tedious work no matter how you cut it.
I love the way hat when you want to edit a trace it is easier to just delete it and route it again, than to try to modfy it.
So like many things in eagle, its a tedious work no matter how you cut it. ...

Yeah, stuff like building part libraries is tons of replicated work too. For routing, I've found that it's really necessary to set up efficient keyboard commands and menu panels to make normal work not turn into a complete drudge. Having Move, Group, Split, Route, Ripup, Ratsnest and Delete on easy-access left hand keys is a big help. I don't even remember what the defaults were, but I'm pretty sure they weren't appropriate. Setting up commands for showing/hiding layers is a big help too, and putting a lot of the Change menu items in a custom menu saves you from having to drill down every time.

It's the same old lesson learned again and again in image editing and cad suites. Mouse-driven interfaces are slow and cumbersome. If you don't want to pull your hair out, find out what your workflow requires the most and reduce as much as possible to keyboard commands. -- that is of course, unless the developers are so proud of their new clumsy ribbon interface that they don't even let you configure any meaningful amount of custom shortcuts or buttons.

That said, I have no idea what the new versions look like. I'm not sure I even want to know.
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