couch pet-ato

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New Member
hi guys,

this project is designed to scare away your lazy pet that's lying over your couch by giving them a fright by a voice-recorded message, a screech an order your choioce.
this is my second circuit that i am building and it includes a 20 sec record and playback chip, the ISD1420.
It has a tilt switch so when ur dog or cat is on the couch and moves, the playback will occour.
unfortunately its not working.
could somebody help me fix it?


  • img162.jpg
    68 KB · Views: 308
A microphone really isn't the best way to activate your circuit, any prominent noise could set it off. I encountered a circuit similar to this, except it used a tilt switch sensor. Unfortunately, when I inquired as to the one that schematic suggested, it was obsolete due to it's mercury content. Something like this might work for you:
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thanks for your help but i don't get what u mean by"A microphone really isn't the best way to activate your circuit, any prominent noise could set it off."
I'm using the microphone as to record my message (just to tell you if u didn't for some reason know).

I apologize! Your schematic was somewhat difficult to read, but I see now that you have a tilt switch. Did you try shorting pin #24 to GND and see if it makes that noise?

We need to seperate what doesn't work; is it not recording, is the sound not being activated when you set of the tilt switch?
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