Countdown Timer With Muliple Input Controls

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New Member

I'm looking to create a countdown timer that I can enter a time and a start and clear button and has 10 different input controls. Each input control will be controled by a different user and do the exact same thing. Each control will have a green and a red LED. Each control will also have a 2 position switch and a push button switch. When the 2 position switch is in position A, the red LED is on and the push button is disabled and the green LED is off. When the 2 position switch is in position B, the red LED is out, the green LED is on and the push button switch is active. With the countdown timer started, I would like any of the 10 input control push buttons to act as a reset and restart the countdown timer from it's begining.

I'm someone with a little electronic background and looking for some help with getting the project off the ground. Any and all help is appreciated.

I'm not sure if I can get by without programming it if the coutndown timer is always at the same starting point. Do I need to be able to program it if the timer always starts at .....let's say 2 minutes?
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