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Cross-posting to multiple forums

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This is kind of an interesting read:

The Help Vampire: A Spotter's Guide

This kimd of poster abuses everyone's time and effort, and may be the kind of person who posts in multiple forums all the time. Some comments from the linked article:

● Does he ask the same, tired questions others ask?
● Does he clearly lack the ability or inclination to ask the almighty Google?
● Does he refuse to take the time to ask coherent, specific questions?
● Does he think helping him must be the high point of your day?
● Is he obviously just waiting for some poor, well-intentioned person to do all his thinking for him?
● Can you tell he really isn't interested in having his question answered, so much as getting someone else to do his work?
● Does he ask the same, tired questions others ask?
● Does he clearly lack the ability or inclination to ask the almighty Google?
● Does he refuse to take the time to ask coherent, specific questions?
● Does he think helping him must be the high point of your day?
● Is he obviously just waiting for some poor, well-intentioned person to do all his thinking for him?
● Can you tell he really isn't interested in having his question answered, so much as getting someone else to do his work?

● Is his name Ritesh?

I don't have any huge objection to people posting the same question in multiple forums, provided they participate in the threads they've started, read the answers others have given them, and respond appropriately. It does tend to cause some confusion when multiple conversations are occurring over several boards, and sometimes it gets out of hand.

But all too often a person will post multiple, identical questions in several forums and then proceed to ignore all but one of them. There have been several instances in which I've put a fair amount of effort into answering someone's inquiry, only to find that I-- and others-- have been talking to dead air because the TS hasn't even logged back in to view the thread after starting it. And then, often as not, I find a lively discussion taking place on an identical question posted by the same person on another forum.

Phooey on that. Any more, when I encounter a request for help posted on several forums, I just ignore it. Not worth my time.
● Is his name Ritesh?
I dunno 'bout him. According to the document JonSea linked,
Help Vampires are virtual bedouins. They move into a community—as soon as they sense its vibrancy and intelligence. Often they leave ("give up," in their eyes) when they have exhausted all the resources, leaving the community itself drained and adrift.
One would fervently wish RK would give up; but alas, he keeps coming back again and again and again, and yet again, each time under a new username.

But yes, in all other respects he's a classic "help vampire."
I am in agreement with Ratch on this.

It really grips my bits to think that I am putting in some effort to find an answer for someone who is away elsewhere asking the same question, and in all probability will not come back to read my answer.
To me it has the same feel as if someone asks a question face to face, and then pulls out their phone and start asking the same question of someone else while I am trying to answer their question.

By all means, if a topic has been exhausted in one forum and the OP has not found an appropriate solution, then start a discussion in another forum.


If answering a post that someone may have already answered on another site is really bothering you, then add a feature to this site to let members know someone is writing a reply to the thread I am reading (or about to respond to). I really hate simultaneous posts when it would be really easy to inform other users that someone is in the process of writing a reply or even a flag that updates when someone starts writing a reply while I am reading a thread.
As one who may have in the past, occasionally posted the same inquiry on ETO and MC forums , IMHO it would seem having to deter / explore such actions here would be not a good use of someone's time , however , it would be an advantage to know if the OP has multiple forum posts , and what if any progress and eventual solution has transpired . There should be some way to make the posting member flag this , so as it has been pointed out valuable time is not squandered...
I'd like to add another perspective to this debate .. .. ..

In any scenario, I would be the OP not the expert offering advice; I am a complete novice and it's unlikely that I will ever be much more than that. I've been a member of ETO since 2014 and the only other forum in which I participate is related to CNC machining, not electronics.

However, on that basis, I rarely post any question in open forum for several reasons, the main problem being that if I get 5 answers from experts, they are often 5 differing opinions and I end up non the wiser. Then to make it worse, often 2 or 3 members will have an open argument between themselves as to who is right and if they eventually reach an agreement it is often at right angles to my original question and therefore, of even less use.

For example, not long after I started my electronics hobby, I built a very small bench PSU comprising a transformer, a bridge rectifier, smoothing caps, and a set of voltage regulators to give -/+ 5v and -/+ 12v. The transformer was quite small so the whole thing was limited to about 7 or 800 mA. Not terribly useful, but a successful project for me !
I then bought a Chinese PSU kit, supposedly capable of 0 - 30v at 10amps which I successfully built and since the earlier small PSU was fitted in a large metal enclosure, because it was all I had at the time, I elected to fit the Chinese kit in the same box with a degree of separation between the two PSU's.
I made a mistake of celebrating my success on the forum with a photograph and immediately got heavily criticised for using voltage regulators with the Chinese variable PSU kit and there then followed several days of debate between 'experts' about whether or not they should be used in such a circuit. Adjectives such as rubbish, complete rebuild, useless etc were prolific and my mentioning that the two circuits were in no way related did nothing to quell the voracity of the debate.

I read and follow ETO several times every day and I have seen this scenario happen with OP's time and time again and for that reason I remain reluctant to post any question in open forum. I can hear the loud shout of ' That's your choice, why don't you sod off then ?' and that is right, just as is my choice not to do so .. .. .. I accept that I contribute very little to the forum.

Which brings me to my other point .. .. At the outset, I was always very surprised and impressed by the generosity of 'expert' members who freely offered the benefit of their expertise and advice because it was often way beyond the limited effort I'd expected. If an OP is a serious contender as a novice EE, they will quickly recognise where that generosity is coming from and become a regular attendee.
There will always be the others, the OP's who are irritating somebody or some other members from time to time and are an unfortunate by-product of the nature of the beast. I don't suppose they ever stop to consider that there is a person on the other end of a forum question who is giving time & effort to formulate a reply .. I think that's the faceless image of the internet and it will never stop, indeed I think it will grow as a problem.

Here ends the sermon, we will now sing hymn number .. .. .. ..

I am undecided on this question, i see both sides, but on the whole i fall more inline with pommie and Matt, no one is forced to answer, we answer because we want to. We should not dictate who a OP can and cannot ask an opinion from.

Your last comment naming a member as being part of the nature of the beast i consider unfair. Especially in light of recent events, as you rightly point you contribute little help to the forum (no disrespect intended), but you always seem quick to contribute if a dig at a member you dislike gives you an opportunity to do so. While i think your entitled to an opinion (any opinion), i do think every here is now fully aware of where boundaries are. Openly using a members name like this i dont think is needed or wanted it can only lead to flame wars.

The person you mention is entitled to an opinion and he if feel strongly i personally see no reason why that strength of feeling should not be put across. My views are different from the member but i would not make a snide well hidden attack on him, especially as it seems that is the only time you really post.

I am not attacking you personally, i am stating what i feel, i am also man enough to admit i did report the post and ask for the name to be removed and why, i did not ask for the post to be deleted or any other action taken. As i said i feel your entitled to your opinion but not to snide attacks naming people.


I edited the above from

Why should not dictate who a OP can and cannot ask an opinion from.

to WE should not dictate who a OP can and cannot ask an opinion from.

these things happen i think as a combination, one i have some bad keys on a wireless keyboard, especially the space bar not working correctly, i think the auto spell thing i cant get off firefox also runs amock!

It auto corrects a few words but mostly just gives me a rd line, i also confess to watching the keyboard while i type and poor proof reading skills.
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So many puns.

Alice AMOS was an Autocoder. Her Assembly language Accent Bashed Babbage. Hope Java keeps you in Limbo. LISA and Little b make Microcode. Pearl Pict Powerhouse and Ubercode. Squirrel!!! Snap!
So many puns.

Alice AMOS was an Autocoder. Her Assembly language Accent Bashed Babbage. Hope Java keeps you in Limbo. LISA and Little b make Microcode. Pearl Pict Powerhouse and Ubercode. Squirrel!!! Snap!
Looks like RUBY finally went off he RAILLS! FORTONly for us there is hope he might go back to BASIC posting

And Children this is why you are told to stay away from JAVA. All the bad things you hear about it are just lies to hide the real truth. Well now you can see for yourself why you should steer clear.

Its so easy for it to Cascade in Such a bad Style
Why should not dictate who a OP can and cannot ask an opinion from.

What does that mean ? Some sort of Scots dialect I'm not familiar with, no doubt !

Your last comment naming a member as being part of the nature of the beast i consider unfair

Is that what I said ??

The person you mention is entitled to an opinion and he if feel strongly i personally see no reason why that strength of feeling should not be put across. My views are different from the member but i would not make a snide well hidden attack on him, especially as it seems that is the only time you really post.

Of course he is entitled to an opinion, and to express it in any way he sees fit .. .. .. ..unlike this member .. … .

.. .. .. .. but i would not make a snide well hidden attack on him .. .. neither did I ?

I have apologised personally to the 'member of no name' for any misinterpretation of my comments.

Is that what I said ??
That is how i read it and why i reported and asked a moderator to look, had it read differently to them i am sure they would have left it.

Of course he is entitled to an opinion, and to express it in any way he sees fit .. .. .. ..unlike this member .. … .

.. .. .. .. but i would not make a snide well hidden attack on him .. .. neither did I ?

but i would not make a snide well hidden attack on him .. .. neither did I (in bold as a quote)

As i said it read that way, and i still felt naming a member directly like that was maybe misguided at best.

Of course he is entitled to an opinion, and to express it in any way he sees fit .. .. .. ..unlike this member .. … .

I think your was saying i implied you shouldnt have an opinion, i had hopped i has made it clear that i didnt think you having any type of opinion was wrong, because of your remark about Scottish dialect (I am English BTW), I am aware i have both wireless keyboard issues and i am appalling at proof reading before posting, so because of this i do want to make it clear i didnt and dont have a problem with you or your right to express one.

As I said it did read like a snide attack on a member, i was unsure so i did as i have been asked to do and report it, this is so moderators can form an opinion and take action. I didnt hide about this i told you i had done it and what i had said in the report.

I have apologised personally to the 'member of no name' for any misinterpretation of my comments.

That is none of my business, however i think many of us could think about that, and perhaps in the future when we do similar maybe we will be as quick to correct and apologize. An honorable action

Hopefully we have now cleared the air, if you feel any need to respond could you kindly do so by pm. I have nothing further to add here, i responded in the hope to clarify. Any other responses i feel we would be best served by doing so in pm.

I meant you no disrespect and i hope that was made clear by initial and subsequent post.
From Wikipedia:

Post wrote in various styles, including humorous travel books, early in her career. She published her first etiquette book Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics, and at Home (1922, frequently referenced as Etiquette) when she was 50; it became a best-seller, with updated versions continued to be popular for decades, and it made her career. After 1931, Post spoke on radio programs and wrote a column on good taste for the Bell Syndicate; it appeared daily in some 200 newspapers after 1932.

In her review of Claridge's 2008 biography of Post, The New York Times' Dinitia Smith explains the keys to Post's popularity:

Such books had always been popular in America: the country’s exotic mix of immigrants and newly rich were eager to fit in with the establishment. Men had to be taught not to blow their noses into their hands or to spit tobacco onto ladies’ backs. Arthur M. Schlesinger, who wrote “Learning How to Behave: A Historical Study of American Etiquette Books” in 1946, said that etiquette books were part of “the leveling-up process of democracy,” an attempt to resolve the conflict between the democratic ideal and the reality of class. But Post’s etiquette books went far beyond those of her predecessors. They read like short-story collections with recurring characters, the Toploftys, the Eminents, the Richan Vulgars, the Gildings and the Kindharts.
From Wikipedia:

Post wrote in various styles, including humorous travel books, early in her career. She published her first etiquette book Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics, and at Home (1922, frequently referenced as Etiquette) when she was 50; it became a best-seller, with updated versions continued to be popular for decades, and it made her career. After 1931, Post spoke on radio programs and wrote a column on good taste for the Bell Syndicate; it appeared daily in some 200 newspapers after 1932.

In her review of Claridge's 2008 biography of Post, The New York Times' Dinitia Smith explains the keys to Post's popularity:

Such books had always been popular in America: the country’s exotic mix of immigrants and newly rich were eager to fit in with the establishment. Men had to be taught not to blow their noses into their hands or to spit tobacco onto ladies’ backs. Arthur M. Schlesinger, who wrote “Learning How to Behave: A Historical Study of American Etiquette Books” in 1946, said that etiquette books were part of “the leveling-up process of democracy,” an attempt to resolve the conflict between the democratic ideal and the reality of class. But Post’s etiquette books went far beyond those of her predecessors. They read like short-story collections with recurring characters, the Toploftys, the Eminents, the Richan Vulgars, the Gildings and the Kindharts.
How and more importantly, WHY do you know this stuff!! I wasnt brave enough to add my name to the list, but yes i didnt have a clue who she was. i certainly didnt know she was a member here :D
In America she was widely known. Perhaps not by the younger generation but I'd guess she was known to much of the population. I will even admit to having a copy of her book - I saw it at a thrift store and couldn't resist.

Her modern counterpart is Miss Manners, a humorist who has books on tje same topic. How else do you know where to put your cell phone at a formal dinner? ;)

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