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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Crossing page boundary-Ensure page bits are set

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I will make a suggestion.... We have an area in the middle that displays digits 0~9 and the hours are on the left and bottom... And the right shows hours in the bottom two LED's

Is this what you need.. If I'm correct then you can store the centre 6x7 digits 0~9 as bitmaps ( only 10 needed.)
Then if you change your code to draw columns instead of rows you can blit the Hours and 10's mins afterwards..

That will leave just the hours 9~12 which can be inserted last...
I will make a suggestion.... We have an area in the middle that displays digits 0~9 and the hours are on the left and bottom... And the right shows hours in the bottom two LED's

Is this what you need.. If I'm correct then you can store the centre 6x7 digits 0~9 as bitmaps ( only 10 needed.)
Then if you change your code to draw columns instead of rows you can blit the Hours and 10's mins afterwards..

That will leave just the hours 9~12 which can be inserted last...
View attachment 89183

Good morning Ivan. Good pictures. You know the old saying, a picture is worth a thousand words well, it sure holds true in this case. That is what I am trying to accomplish maybe with one exception. I was only using the center 6x6 leds for the digital display. I understand what you are saying but do to my inexperience I do not know how to go about it. Since electronics is just a hobby for me that I started in my later retirement years I have just learned enough to get myself in trouble. Anyway I will take a try at it. Maybe an example or two would get me going in the right direction if not too inconvenient for you. Thanks again for your concerns and input.

Ivan!!!! Who's he...

Here's the bitmapsbitmaps.png

And here's my idea..... I have implemented minutes and tens of minutes and hours up to 8:59 but I need to work out the last 4 shifts..... I have sped things up by using the interrupt routine to count minutes...BUT!! the time needs calculating to get the right timing.... I just needed it to get there faster..

;Tutorial 13.4 - Nigel Goodwin 2006
;Matrix LED display - display a scrolling text message

   LIST   p=16F876     ;tell assembler what chip we are using
   include ""     ;include the defaults for the chip
   ERRORLEVEL   0,   -302   ;suppress bank selection messages
   __config 0x393A       ;sets the configuration settings (oscillator type etc.)

     cblock   0x20       ;start of general purpose registers
       count       ;used in looping routines
       count1       ;used in delay routine
       counta       ;used in delay routine
       countb       ;used in delay routine
       tmp1       ;temporary storage

       milli       ;3,2 mil1i 51 = 1 second
       hour       ;hours
       min10       ;tens min
       min       ;ones min

       p_temp       ;save register
       s_temp       ;save register
       w_temp       ;save register

       offsetL       ;table registers
             ;registers for display

       row_pos       ;position on row

       zero       ;zero storage
       one       ;one storage
       two       ;two storage
       three       ;three storage
       four       ;four storage
       five       ;five storage
       six       ;six storage
       seven       ;seven storage

       zero1       ;zero storage
       one1       ;one storage
       two1       ;two storage
       three1       ;three storage
       four1       ;four storage
       five1       ;five storage
       six1       ;six storage
       seven1       ;seven storage


ROW_PORT   Equ   PORTB       ;row port

COL_PORT   Equ   PORTC       ;column port

     org   0x0000
     goto   START

;           Interrupt routine

;    Interrupt routine handles TMR2 which generates a 1ms tick

;   Interrupt vector

     ORG   0x0004

     movwf   w_temp     ; Save W register
     swapf   STATUS,W   ; Swap status to be saved into W
     movwf   s_temp     ; Save STATUS register
     movfw   PCLATH
     movwf   p_temp     ; Save PCLATH
     btfss   PIR1,TMR2IF   ; Flag set if TMR2 interrupt
     goto   INTX     ; Jump if not timed out

     ; Timer (TMR2) timeout

     bcf   PIR1,TMR2IF   ; Clear the calling flag

     btfss   row_pos, 0   ;check which ROW was last
     goto   Do_One
     btfss   row_pos, 1   ;check which ROW was last
     goto   Do_Two
     btfss   row_pos, 2   ;check which ROW was last
     goto   Do_Three
     btfss   row_pos, 3   ;check which ROW was last
     goto   Do_Four
     btfss   row_pos, 4   ;check which ROW was last
     goto   Do_Five
     btfss   row_pos, 5   ;check which ROW was last
     goto   Do_Six
     btfss   row_pos, 6   ;check which ROW was last
     goto   Do_Seven
     btfss   row_pos, 7   ;check which ROW was last
     goto   Do_Zero

Do_Zero     movlw   0xFF
     movwf   ROW_PORT   ;turn off all rows
     movwf   row_pos
     movf   zero,   w
     movwf   COL_PORT   ;load columns
     bcf   row_pos, 0
     bcf   ROW_PORT, 0   ;turn ON row zero
     goto   INTX

Do_One     movlw   0xFF
     movwf   ROW_PORT   ;turn off all rows
     movwf   row_pos
     movf   one,   w
     movwf   COL_PORT   ;load columns
     bcf   row_pos, 1
     bcf   ROW_PORT, 1   ;turn ON row one
     goto   INTX

Do_Two     movlw   0xFF
     movwf   ROW_PORT   ;turn off all rows
     movwf   row_pos
     movf   two,   w
     movwf   COL_PORT   ;load columns
     bcf   row_pos, 2
     bcf   ROW_PORT, 2   ;turn ON row two
     goto   INTX

Do_Three   movlw   0xFF
     movwf   ROW_PORT   ;turn off all rows
     movwf   row_pos
     movf   three,   w
     movwf   COL_PORT   ;load columns
     bcf   row_pos, 3
     bcf   ROW_PORT, 3   ;turn ON row three
     goto   INTX

Do_Four     movlw   0xFF
     movwf   ROW_PORT   ;turn off all rows
     movwf   row_pos
     movf   four,   w
     movwf   COL_PORT   ;load columns
     bcf   row_pos, 4
     bcf   ROW_PORT, 4   ;turn ON row four
     goto   INTX

Do_Five     movlw   0xFF
     movwf   ROW_PORT   ;turn off all rows
     movwf   row_pos
     movf   five,   w
     movwf   COL_PORT   ;load columns
     bcf   row_pos, 5
     bcf   ROW_PORT, 5   ;turn ON row five
     goto   INTX

Do_Six     movlw   0xFF
     movwf   ROW_PORT   ;turn off all rows
     movwf   row_pos
     movf   six,   w
     movwf   COL_PORT   ;load columns
     bcf   row_pos, 6
     bcf   ROW_PORT, 6   ;turn ON row six
     goto   INTX

Do_Seven   movlw   0xFF
     movwf   ROW_PORT   ;turn off all rows
     movwf   row_pos
     movf   seven,   w
     movwf   COL_PORT   ;load columns
     bcf   row_pos, 7
     bcf   ROW_PORT, 7   ;turn ON row seven
     goto   INTX

     incf   milli,f
     movlw   .151
     subwf   milli,w
     btfss   STATUS,C
     goto   NTX2
     bcf   STATUS,C
     clrf   milli
     incf   min,f
     movlw   .10
     subwf   min,w
     btfss   STATUS,C
     goto   NTX2
     bcf   STATUS,C
     clrf   min
     bsf   STATUS,C
     rlf   min10,f
     btfss   min10,6
     goto   NTX2
     clrf   min10
     bsf   STATUS,C
     rlf   hour,f
     btfss   hour,7
     goto   NTX2
     clrf   hour
NTX2     movfw   p_temp
     movwf   PCLATH     ; Restore PCLATH
     swapf   s_temp,W
     movwf   STATUS     ; Restore STATUS register - restores bank
     swapf   w_temp,F
     swapf   w_temp,W   ; Restore W register

;program initialisation

     BANKSEL ADCON1       ;disable analogue inputs
     movlw    0x06
     movwf    ADCON1
     bsf    STATUS,     RP0   ;select bank 1
     movlw   b'00000000'     ;Set port data directions, data output
     movwf   ROW_TRIS
     movwf   COL_TRIS
     bcf    STATUS,     RP0   ;select bank 0

     clrf   COL_PORT     ;turn OFF all LED's
     movlw   0xFF
     movwf   ROW_PORT   

     movlw   0x01
     movwf   row_pos

     ;   Set up Timer 2.
     ;movlw   b'01111111'     ; Post scale /16, pre scale /16, TMR2 ON
     ;uncomment previous line, and comment next line, to slow multiplexing speed
     ;so you can see the multiplexing happening
     movlw   b'00011111'     ; Post scale /4, pre scale /16, TMR2 ON
     movwf   T2CON

     bsf    STATUS,     RP0   ;select bank 1

     movlw   .249       ; Set up comparator
     movwf   PR2

     bsf   PIE1,TMR2IE     ; Enable TMR2 interrupt

     bcf    STATUS,     RP0   ;select bank 0

     ; Global interrupt enable

     bsf   INTCON,PEIE     ; Enable all peripheral interrupts
     bsf   INTCON,GIE     ; Global interrupt enable

     bcf    STATUS,     RP0   ;select bank 0

;main program loop

     clrf   offsetL1     ;set offset to zero
     clrf   offsetH1
     movf   min,w
     call   Load_Char
     btfsc   min10,1
     bsf   one,0
     btfsc   min10,0
     bsf   zero,0

     goto   Message
     xorlw   0x00       ;is it a zero? - if so end of string
     btfsc   STATUS, Z
     goto   Main
     movwf   tmp2
     movlw   0x20       ;subtract to get character index value
     subwf   tmp2, w

     incf   offsetL1, f     ;increment 16 bit pointer to string
     btfsc  STATUS  , Z
     incf   offsetH1, f

;display characters start at 0x00 for 'space' (rather than 0x20), and
;carry on from there the same as LCD text modules, ending with the right and
;left arrows.

;because each character takes 8 bytes of storage, we multiply the index value by 8

Load_Char   movwf   offsetL
     clrf   offsetH
     bcf   STATUS, C     ;clear carry
     rlf   offsetL, f     ;multiply index value by 8
     rlf   offsetH, f
     bcf   STATUS, C     ;clear carry
     rlf   offsetL, f
     rlf   offsetH, f
     bcf   STATUS, C     ;clear carry
     rlf   offsetL, f
     rlf   offsetH, f
     call   ASCII_Table
     movf   hour,w
     movwf   zero       
     incf   offsetL, f     ;increment 16 bit pointer
     btfsc  STATUS  , Z
     incf   offsetH, f
     call   ASCII_Table
     movwf   one
     incf   offsetL, f     ;increment 16 bit pointer
     btfsc  STATUS  , Z
     incf   offsetH, f
     call   ASCII_Table
     movwf   two
     incf   offsetL, f     ;increment 16 bit pointer
     btfsc  STATUS  , Z
     incf   offsetH, f
     call   ASCII_Table
     movwf   three
     incf   offsetL, f     ;increment 16 bit pointer
     btfsc  STATUS  , Z
     incf   offsetH, f
     call   ASCII_Table
     movwf   four
     incf   offsetL, f     ;increment 16 bit pointer
     btfsc  STATUS  , Z
     incf   offsetH, f
     call   ASCII_Table
     movwf   five
     incf   offsetL, f     ;increment 16 bit pointer
     btfsc  STATUS  , Z
     incf   offsetH, f
     call   ASCII_Table
     movwf   six
     incf   offsetL, f     ;increment 16 bit pointer
     btfsc  STATUS  , Z
     incf   offsetH, f
     call   ASCII_Table
     movf   min10,w
     movwf   seven

ASCII_Table            ;perform read from long table
     movlw   High(Table)
     addwf   offsetH, W
     movwf   PCLATH
     movlw   Low(Table)
     addwf   offsetL, w
     btfsc  STATUS  , C
     incf   PCLATH, f

Delay1Sec   call   Delay250
     call   Delay250
     call   Delay250
     call   Delay250

Delay255   movlw   0xff   ;delay 255mS
     goto   d0
Delay250   movlw   d'250'   ;delay 250mS
     goto   d0
Delay100   movlw   d'100'   ;delay 100mS
     goto   d0
Delay50     movlw   d'50'   ;delay 50mS
     goto   d0
Delay20     movlw   d'20'   ;delay 20mS
     goto   d0
Delay10     movlw   d'10'   ;delay 10mS
     goto   d0
Delay1     movlw   d'1'   ;delay 1mS
     goto   d0
Delay5     movlw   0x05   ;delay 5ms
d0     movwf   count1
d1     movlw   0xE7
     movwf   counta
     movlw   0x04
     movwf   countb
Delay_0     decfsz   counta, f
     goto   $+2
     decfsz   countb, f
     goto   Delay_0
     decfsz   count1   ,f
     goto   d1
     retlw   0x00

     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x3C
     RETLW   0x42
     RETLW   0x42
     RETLW   0x3C
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00       ;0

     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x22
     RETLW   0x7E
     RETLW   0x02
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00       ;1

     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x26
     RETLW   0x4A
     RETLW   0x4A
     RETLW   0x32
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00       ;2

     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x24
     RETLW   0x42
     RETLW   0x5A
     RETLW   0x24
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00       ;3

     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x78
     RETLW   0x08
     RETLW   0x3E
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00       ;4

     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x72
     RETLW   0x52
     RETLW   0x52
     RETLW   0x4C
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00       ;5

     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x3C
     RETLW   0x52
     RETLW   0x52
     RETLW   0x0C
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00       ;6

     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x40
     RETLW   0x40
     RETLW   0x5E
     RETLW   0x60
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00       ;7

     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x2C
     RETLW   0x52
     RETLW   0x52
     RETLW   0x2C
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00       ;8

     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x30
     RETLW   0x4A
     RETLW   0x4A
     RETLW   0x3C
     RETLW   0x00
     RETLW   0x00       ;9


Have a play with it... Oh yeah sorry the LED is rotated 90 degrees to use columns instead of rows, but you'll get the idea..
One last detail... I have a bug that I'm trying to find... When 10 minutes is reached the 1 hour flashes.... the at 20 minutes another totally unconnected led flashes....
One last detail... I have a bug that I'm trying to find... When 10 minutes is reached the 1 hour flashes.... the at 20 minutes another totally unconnected led flashes....

My apologies about the name. I must have had one of those senior moments which seem to happen now and again. Thanks for the information you gave me. I am sure I will have fun with it. Will keep in touch. Take care .
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