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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Crude invert-or-don't circuit

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Yay, it's working!

In case anyone is still following this...

I put in a 74HC123 monostable and an XOR gate between the BSS84 and the delay stage, connected the XOR other input to the "down" flip-flop. Just put it through 200 up-down cycles with only very slight (+/- 2mm) wandering, not enough to bother correcting, and it could be down to all the flakey connections anyway. Previously I could get 50, with careful adjustment of the opto, before needing to adjust.

Hoping to use the other half of the 123 in place of the 1/2 556 monostable, but discovered it actually relies on a quirk of the 556 to set up the initial conditions which the 123 doesn't exhibit - namely that it can be held in the on state. So yet another transistor needed to add that function. But at least then it'll just be a 555 doing the PWM and the chip-select monostable gets to be in a more sensible location.

Now I just need to make it behave when the spindle motor runs - sends it all over the place!

I will post drawings of this thing when it's working properly I promise!
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