Cut hand

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Now that's a hand wound! Cheer up, it doesn't hurt forever.
Wow so its true you can get a finger stuck picking your nose!!! . Had to go to the docs this morning as my hand has swollen really badly, they have removed some fluid and one stich so it can weep a bit. I called the principle and explained what happened, apparently its my fault for not paying attention to what was going on around me! I pointed out my focus was on what I was doing and trying to avoid stabbing someone with a sharp scalpel (thought I would get that in ), no dice still got to do detention although I am now exempt from them because I get a bus home .

Principle not happy but I pointed out life was full of disappointments and he shouldnt let it ruin his weekend, not too sure that went down well :S. MUPPET has somehow avoided detention but apparently this has nothing to do with his dad being a senior teacher (yeah right).
Wow so its true you can get a finger stuck picking your nose!!!
Had the exact same thought . Must be a guy thing...

Sounds like you battling some head winds at your school. I was falsely accused in an incident in grade school as well. The main upshot of it has been a life long distrust of the "system". Another result was a very early understanding that the only person looking out for me - is me... except, of course my mom (who's 97 now and occasionally can't tell me from a brick ).

My mantra is: "If you can't dazzle'em with brilliance (or the truth), baffle'em with bull ****" (or your utter disdain): it's all they deserve.

Hang in there, LG. They'll never see the error of their ways, but you've got them pegged for what they truly are (it rhymes with pass holes).
Hey LG, maybe the school didn't provide the proper PPE (Personal protective Equipment) for using a scalpel? e.g. cut resistant gloves: and safety glasses and cut resistant sleeves.

Although in your case, I think you would need full body armor. I hope it wasn't a case of your neighbor was say right anded and you were left handed?

I do hope your doing better. You had stitches, so healing should be easier. What i do for deep cuts is cut adhesive strips do that there is only 3-4 mm of material across the cut. Once the threat of infection is gone, you can promote healing by closing the wound and letting air in. My mom recently had skin surgery and I played doc per his instructions. Clean with Hydrogen peroxide and use petroleum jelly. I used my judgment as to what I did each day.

The worst thing was removing bloody bandages from my father's hair (stitched in the hospital).

My bad cuts were:
1) A pinky squish with a hammer scrapping transformers. Scar is still visible. No doctors. No stitches. (16-18 YO)
2) Chain saw kickback. (I was 16-18 YO) No docs. No stitches.
3) A drill press drill catching on a piece of sheet metal because it was unclamped, (20-30)
4) Using a file to make a custom lathe cutter. the file slipped. (20-30)
5) Falling down a flight of stairs. (maybe 10 YO)
6) removing an exhaust system in a car. (15-16 YO)
7) The nail in your hand that caused a blue streak to run up your arm. (6 years old)

Valuable lessons were learned. The last stupid thing was a couple of splinters in the bottom of my foot. I removed them with the help of a trusty fiber optic inspection camera. Having the tools (really sharp pointy tweezers) like these **broken link removed** to remove splinters really helps.
When you enter the principal's office, take charge and start the conversation with something like...

"So, detention, the place where one pays off a debt to society for poor behavior." He will answer yes. Then thank him for inviting you to Detention so that dolt who stabbed you can repay his debt to you. He will say, no, no, it doesn't work that way. Then you say, good, I was hoping it worked the other way, so that means I get to stab him to make things even.
So really it's the school's/teacher's fault for sitting you 4 to a 3 pupil bench. Sue the f*****s! Ok not sue, but the blame needs to be put firmly where it belongs, ie, not with you.
Did this a couple of years ago using the saw you can see the cover of on the left. It was fairly new and very sharp and the aliigator pic really does it justice! I took the photo because I was documenting the project. My hands are riddled with scars from small cuts, though, mostly faded too faint to really see.
Worst ones I did were:
chop my finger with a very sharp hatchet splitting a small piece of wood - needed 3 stitches right on the joint. Good job I was using it very gently on account of my finger being there
burnt a hole in thumb on a live terminal. I had to figure out which muscles still worked so I could get off it. On my own in a basement flat for that one, very scary, could have died
don't know how old I was when I cut my head open, still single digits I think. Chopping wood with a small axe, I raised it over my head and bashed myself on the head with the back of it. Blood everywhere. Not many people can say that as a child they cut their own head open with an axe.


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So really it's the school's/teacher's fault for sitting you 4 to a 3 pupil bench.
I had been pondering that point myself.
I do not know if the Heath and Safety at Work Act covers schools, but here is surely something which specifies that a safe environment must be provided.

Sue the f*****s!
I had also pondered that point.
If, and this is a BIG IF, the episode occurred exactly as related here, then the local firm of No Win, No Fee Lawyers may be interested in a quick bit of business.

My experience of school was that it is a cruel and unjust place, and I was lucky enough to go to a school which was pretty good compared to some I've heard about

I think the
... hand numbness has become permanent...
... and he is getting sick every time he watches the fish monger prepare is purchase - those sharp knives!
... and ... (a little help here).
I think the
... hand numbness has become permanent...
... and he is getting sick every time he watches the fish monger prepare is purchase - those sharp knives!
... and ... (a little help here).
... loss of quality of life due to not being able to use his hand properly
... fear of scalpels
... loss of education due to time off school
... damaged relationships with other pupils
... disfigurement, loss of job opportunities - he'll never be a hand model now (you had your heart set on that career, DIDN'T YOU, LG?)
... Ummm?
Sarcasm aside, it was a nasty accident and shouldn't be down-played. Suppose the idiot had hit an artery?
in ne texas schools,detention is sop.
authoriatism is the new rule of law.
as my daughter wished to graduate early with an advanced math and physics profile,she bit the bullet even though i told her to just skip school and let the district eat the cost.
I will let you know what happens tomorrow, I went in today and all hell broke loose. Health and safety are involved as is OFSTEAD our school inspectors, my Biology teacher got involved and called the education authority, no idea whats happened but have to go in tomorrow with my mum for a meeting.
One of my co-workers poked his finger with a staple, resulting in a drop of blood. We had to call an ambulance.

Not for him, for our Chinese programmer who saw the drop of blood, fainted and bounced his head off the concrete floor!

Try to keep your mouth shut as much as possible in the meeting They probably won't appreciate anything you have to say.
So, Little Ghostman , what was the verdict? Did you the school take the high and powerful road and punish you to make the issue look like it was your fault (and position themselves in a better light for any potential lawsuit)? Or, did they buckle under the pressure of the regional educational authority and apologize to you and your family - offer to pay for medical expense and offer a lab assistant to help with your home DIY projects until your hand is healed?
No, some guy from the local council is coming in to do a safety report. My school is an academy and has slightly different rules, we have inspectors all over the school at the moment and the main hall has been closed because it dosnt have enough clean ait, the CO2 gets too high. They have also shut our swimming pool, I still have to do detention but apparently I have been told I claim against the school.
I dont know fully whats going to happen but I know the metal work block has been closed as well as two chemistry labs.
Not looking too good for the school, the BBC were outside today but I dont think they got anything.
No, some guy from the local council is coming in to do a safety report.

That means you got the member that could make themselves available at a moment's notice. A member who either,
1) works from home
2) is self employed
3) is unemployed
4) is unemployable

I'm sure the report will be great.
I do not see how they can justify punitive action against you, unless you left out some details???

Unless the people in charge (assume/believe/want to believe/insist/...) you left out some details. Or, conversely, the people in charge want to (assume/believe/want to believe/insist/...) the classroom teacher knew what they were doing and were in control of the room and the only issue could have been LGM and his mate were goofing off.
It also sounds like the guy that had the scalpel got off free and clear, or did I miss something there too? I wish I could have gone with LG to see the principle. Why I woulda... well I would have

I'm not saying LG is not being truthful, rather certain details may have been left out which may be explain the detention. I have 3 boys of my own (now full grown), and when they would come home and tell me about an incident at school, blind parental love left me always taking their side, in fact, I have gone to the mats, only to discover my boy had left out one important fact, leaving me with mud on my slightly embarrassed face. So, I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin
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