D-flip flop alternative

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New Member
a positive edge d-f.f for example:

saves the value fed to it at the time of the positive edge of the clock , and keeps giving that as an output until other input is fed at the time of positive edge .

what if the circuit is too simple to have a fn generator to produce the clock .

is there a device that does not need a clock input , and takes an input any time and saves it , and keeps giving it as an output until other input is fed to it any other time.

thanks in advance .
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Just put a couple of gates in series to generate a clock pulse slightly delayed from D input.

T-gate flip flop.

You still need something to reset FF or use a R-S flip flop.
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I were adding some diodes to the inputs & tie all the cathodes & given to the clock input.So you need only to give inputs.
what if the circuit is too simple to have a fn generator to produce the clock .
Then you can use a AND gate and a INVERTER to produce a short spike whenever the voltage from the generator shift from low to high:


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With no clock, how does your mythical storage device know when to sample (and latch) the input?
is there a device that does not need a clock input , and takes an input any time and saves it , and keeps giving it as an output until other input is fed to it any other time.
Then it seems you would not need a storage device at all.
Just continously monitor the input.
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Then it seems you would not need a storage device at all.
Just continously monitor the input.

the problem is the input is only a pulse , so i need to save this pulse value and keep it as an output , until another pulse comes .

but i think those who commented before you solved the problem pretty well , thanks any way .
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