Turns out there is little need for all the complexity and components ! This given in Transistor amplifiers on Talking Electronics site is quite adequate-Don't understand why they want too show off their knowledge and waste your time making a simple thing complex .
Clearly you pose the question to get an answer but its not coming on this forum. Its gone haywire
Sorry that we are complicating your life. However, as with most advice and circuits you download off the internet, you get what you pay for...
IMHO, the
talkingelectronics circuits are typical of the crap that is posted on the Internet!
As pointed out by Jim, the
talkingelectronics circuits you posted have exactly the problem that brought you to this forum in the first place. Namely, as the sun goes up or down, the LDR resistance changes slowly, so the transistor turns on and off very slowly, and in the process, it goes through a region where it is dissipating a substantial amount of power, and is getting quite hot. That is exactly the problem that the (too complicated) Schmitt trigger circuits solve.
The only thing that keeps the transistor from burning itself up and self-destruction is that you happen to be using a fairly sensitive relay (if it is still the 12Vdc one with the 320Ω coil that you posted earlier). If you used a less sensitive relay, like the typical "automotive" 12V relay with the 85Ω coil, you would be replacing the transistor every day....
Let me use your nemesis, LTSpice, to show you the problem with the
talkingelectronics circuits:
Here, I simulate the changing LDR resistance vs time. It is dark (200KΩ)at 0s and 200s. It is light (2K) at 100s. See the Green trace. I plot the actual LDR resistance divided by 10,000 to get it to scale onto the plot axis. I just picked a pot position (50%) that causes the transistor to go from fully-off to fully-on as the LDR goes from 200KΩ (20V on the plot) to 2KΩ (0.2V on the plot) and back again.
The red trace shows the voltage across the relay, which I guess
is one similar to this one at DigiKey. Note if you download the data sheet, the relay coil properties are as shown on the schematic. Again, I assume that you want to run the circuit on 24V, but the relay is actually a 12V one, so I put the 330Ω resistor R2 in series with it.
The published pull-in voltage of said relay is 8.4V, so I use cursor1 on the plot to mark that voltage. Note that happens at 44s when the LDR resistance is about 110KΩ. This relay drops-out at 1.2V, so cursor2 marks that at 180s, where the LDR resistance is 160K.
The problem with this simplistic circuit is shown in the lower plot pane where I plot the power dissipation in Q1 (the light blue trace), where as the LDR resistance decreases from 200KΩ toward the relay pull-in value of 110KΩ, the transistor begins turning on and self-heats due to the power being dissipated in it long before the relay pulls-in. Note that the peak dissipation is ~0.24W, which is within the maximum rating of a TO92 plastic package, but will get hot enough to burn your fingers if you were to touch it. Note that the transistor gets hot again just before the relay drops out. Again, this is exactly the issue that the Schmitt Trigger version of the circuit solves... Note that if you used a relay with a lower coil resistance, like the typical Automotive relays, you would get the transistor so hot that it would self destruct.
I also plot the power in the relay (dark blue) and power in R2 (violet). Note that R2 should be a 1W power resistor.