Datasheet for UM91214/15

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Hi all
I'm an electronics Newb.. Wanna have datasheet of UM91214/15 DTMF dialer. I have one that does not have sample application t'll b helpful if i get one that has some test & application circuits also..
Thank you
Thank you

Thankx Sebi....
Can i get an application example...coz i'm xperiencin a littl bt of problem while :wink: usin it to generate and "send" DTMF tones...
Thank you

Thank you ChrisP for the datasheets.

I'd like to have application circuits of 91214/15 where the IC is "fed" by an external power supply rather than deriving its Vcc from the Tel. line itself. It'd be really helpful.
Thanx a lot
clear my doubt

hi sebi,
i'm interfacing tel. line with UM91214 for dialing numbers through the line.
Also i'm using a microprocessor(8085) to dial different digits (shorting different rows and columns)............. 8)
So i've given 5V from RPS to pin 6 of UM91214 as the supply instead of taking it from tel. line....... :shock:
And trying to give the tone output of UM91214 to the tel. line through a transformer as shown in
Is this OK?
do i need any modifications in my circuit?
Or is it compulsory to use UM91214 in the above circuit (as the application example given by sebi)only?
Please help me in this regard.......

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