datasheet question

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The following is part of the datasheet of k3296 osfet
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what the meaning of PT1 and PT2 and why that big difference (1.5 and 40 watt)
Without heatsink you can dissipate 1.5W ( ambient temperature 25°C) but when you use a ideal heatsink (you keep the metal case temperature at 25°C), now you can dissipate 40W.

RThja = (150'C - 25'C)/1.5W = 84.3 °C/W - thermal resistance from junction to ambient.

RThjc = (150'C - 25'C)/40W = 3.124 °C/W - thermal resistance from junction to case.
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Without heatsink you can dissipate 1.5W ( ambient temperature 25'C) but when you use a ideal heatsink (you keep the metal case temperature at 25'C), now you can dissipate 40W.

Thank you very much
TA is ambiant temprature, what does Tc mean????
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