Daylight Circuit

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New Member
I need the opposie of most of the projects I am finding. I want one that turns ON in daylight and off in the dark. It seems an LDR will do this, but everyone seems to use it to turn the system on in the dark. I am a newbie so don't assume I know anything. I will be plugging the system into 120 V and controlling a small (<2 Amp) water pump. I want the water to flow during the day and off at night. If there is a commercially available product, point me that way too. Thanks so much
velleman make a cheap kit for this sort of thing and it has a relay so its easy to just swap the conections on the relay to get it to switch on or off anyway you like for example the relay can be Normaly open or normaly closed i think you can also buy the kit pre made

the link is here have a look

funny thing is as with alot of velleman kits it would be hard to make it yourself by buying all the parts as cheaply as it is to get the kit! they are realy good value for money
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The circuit linked to by Little Ghostman would work but would need some additions. The relay does offer a Normally Open and Normally Closed contact but is rated for 24 VDC and only 5 amps. That could be used to drive another relay that could handle your pump.

You may want to try a home lighting store for a photocell device that offers the configuration you need as to Light (ON) and Dark (OFF). Building one is not that difficult but would require some skill. You mention 120 volts so I will guess you are in the US. You may want to try a Lowes or Home Depot store. There should be an off the shelf canned solution out there.

As Reloadron is saying, but a standard On at night can drive the coil of another relay, thereby inverting it. Just use the NC contacts.
Yes it's a lot simpler to open the case and swap for a SPDT, but that's not necessarily for noobs.
all the kits i have built from velleman all state 24v for safety but on the relay themselves it normaly says 240v on the veleman forum they said they say 24v for safety reasons etc also the relays they use are sometimes made by velleman and you can buy different ones that fit
i hope thats some help
Thanks for the speed and thorouhgness of your replies. Yes, I am in the US and will try the home improvement stores.
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