DC Drive Board info/pin-out?

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Active Member
Hi guy,
Does anyone know if there are any resources on the net for info on a DC drive board? Its salvaged out of a printing press.

Its a:
Focus RG

Also has 6041-5002 B at the bottom of the tag.

Other then that, no info past input/output and feild.

What I need is information on how to hook it up. I can tell where the mains were and where the DC motor hook up, but its supposed to be variable speed controlled by a pot. I don't know how to hook that up. It has 13 little terminals on the end oppisite the mains hookup. there are 4 snipped off wires and some jumpers.

Any insight would be helpful.



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Wow, that looks like a pretty hefty driver.
You might be able to reverse engineer the circuit, but it looks like that would be quite difficult due to its size.

Maybe you could try ebay? I was able to get a pin out for an old car CD player that I had. I didnt have the factory plug, but it used the same molex connector that is used on PC powersupplies. I emailed someone that was selling a similar unit, and he sent me the pinout.

Good Luck...
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