DC Project Problem

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New Member
hey everyone, im doing a project for my dc circuits class but have done the experiment but am having problems proving my results using caculations

heres my assignement

you will be given 3 resistor values and 2 voltage values to be set up as show below

you are to calculate the teroretical values of all currents and the voltage on R3 and then confirm these values by experiment.

then one of the power supply polarities is to be reversed and the excercise repeated.

i know i have to use kirchoff's law but am having problems using them

any soultions of ways of working this out would be greatly apperciated


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The sum of the voltages around a loop has to be zero. There are two loops, so two equations in two unknowns. Surly you can solve that.


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Russlk said:
The sum of the voltages around a loop has to be zero. There are two loops, so two equations in two unknowns. Surly you can solve that.


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