DC to AC inverter

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New Member
Hi everyone ,i would like to come out with a frequency generator that is able to give me an output power of at least 1.5W,i found this circuit in a forum and the guy who create it says that he managed to use this to drive a 11W light bulb.

So i would like to ask, if i never install the transformer,can i achieve at least my 1.5W output??(since energy cannot be created ).My load is 1000ohm.

Thanks for replying.

This is the link of the forum
Aaron's Homepage Forum - Queries on DC to AC circuit using 555 timer


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i know i will get a great V if i assume my power=1.5W since P=V^2/R.im actually more concern on the output power,i don really care how much voltage is the load,

so is there a problem to achieve 1.5W with it without the a transformer?
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