Dc To Dc Converter

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mostafa zaky

New Member
Please I Need Help
I Need To Make Step Up For 12 V Dc
To Be 24 Or 18 V Dc
I Need A Dc To Dc Converter Circuit
To Perform That Task
Such As That Circuit
But I Can`t Find That
Op_amp Lm 2577


  • schem.gif
    6.7 KB · Views: 296
Please I Need Help
I Need To Make Step Up For 12 V Dc
To Be 24 Or 18 V Dc
I Need A Dc To Dc Converter Circuit
To Perform That Task
Such As That Circuit
But I Can`t Find That
Op_amp Lm 2577

the LM2577 is not a op amp, its a voltage regulator, see this pdf.


  • LM1577.pdf
    1.4 MB · Views: 374
Thet will work, just cahnge the divider ratio to give 18V or 24V.

You could use a jumper or switch to change the voltage.
thanks all
but the problem here that i couldn't
the LM2577 in any shop that sells
electronic components
are there any regulator that can perform
the same task?
can i use LM317?
The LM317 is a linear regulator (step-down only), you need a step-up switching regulator.

I would suggest looking on the Internet.
General advice for DC to DC supplies. We (Maxim) have a nice DC-DC tutorial among our applications notes:

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and there's a "Power Supply Cookbook" with ready-to-go designs:

**broken link removed**

We also have a design tool called EE-Sim and National has their WebBench, both of which create and simulate circuits.
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