Debugger/Dev Tool

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Well-Known Member
I have a question...

I own a PICKIT 2 and a JUNEBUG. Now i know its enough(for most things).

Should i get a ICD 2/3? I will soon start 16bit and 32bit PICS.

I was also wondering....

... would it be foolish to get the Explorer 16? I feel like its old for some reason. Or should i wait until microchip releases a ICD3/Explorer 32(guessing) type of new version?

Explorer 32 doesnt exist i know. But i just though since it would be new and all.

I like the PICTail Daughter Cards.
I am on the fence regarding PICkit2 vrs ICD3. We need to wait for PICkit3 to ship and see results regarding the ICD3.

The ICD3 will get you more speed and unlimited, no-skid, software breakpoints.
I intend to shop for all these and a oscilloscope in March-April. So ill be able to read some reviews by then. But hows your mind on the Explorer 16?
I do not have much to say about target boards.

When cpu's required support chips and external memory it made sense to buy target boards. Now that the uC chip has everything but switches and displays I do not see much point in them.

Since I started etching boards I either use what I have on hand or layout one for the project at hand. If there are more then 10 wires I will go back to eagle. It is only my personal preferance.
ok thanks, I asked because i think i can learn alot by testing these already made boards then creating them in a simpler form
I think Explorer 16 is enough to learn PIC24 and dsPIC33. I had seen in microchip website now discount 20%.
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Cool 20% i guess ill get it in 2 weeks. Then buy the ICD 3 in march. It says i can use a programmer with it so i assume a PICKIT 2 is fine. If im wrong please tell me.
oh yeah. When you get it please right a small review for me PLEASE! lol i want one so bad. Its out of stock right now so i can wait tho. I will order in about 1 month if your review is good.
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Speaking of new toys, remember the ? You mentioned it a while back. I ordered one yesterday.

The author has just added 1 Wire support. The blog on his site is interesting.
Sparkfun shows they now have 71 in stock.

hey futz anything yet?
It's here. Got the delivery notice. I wasn't home to sign and pay the parasites (customs/taxes). The post office is in the drug store here in town. Going to try to pick up tomorrow after work.

Too bad I already fixed the troubleshooting problem I was hoping to use it for (turned out the ARM7 was pumping out SPI WAY too fast), but there will be others...
not to wish anything bad on you but i hope something stops working soon! just kidding.

Hows this look. Neat? i know naming is a bit hard or confusing at times

**broken link removed**

PWP = PIC Write Protect Line
SDSDI = SD SDI line from sd card to translator
PSDO = PIC SDO to Translator which is then turned over to the SDSDI. (SD SDI)

Im in the USA but love the other EU symbols
i might switch out the LM1086 for a "MIC4575-3.3wu" 3.3v @ 1A regulator from Micrel.
Some info :
I ordered one from Sparkfun hoping to play with it during my 2 week break. It was back ordered at the time, now that they show stock I expect it to ship soon.

I saved a problem for it. I have a bit of 1 wire code that used to work. When I add a single breakpoint it still does. Adding delay in the place of the breakpoint does not fix it. Should be fun.

damn you all are getting me mad! i have to wait till the week after Christmas to order one and play i will create problems lol. Na but i would like to see why SPI code in action and perhaps try to see how other things i own work. Like some LCDs or something else lie cell phones and other things. I dont know but i do know it will be a invaluable/priceless asset and i cant wait to own one

Please guys right me some reviews on it once you get it. I dont want to shell out $150 for something i gota send back. heh.
Without ever having used it I think it will be quite good. I like what it claims to do, and demand has been greater then production for months.

I also like the idea that users can write protocol analyzer tools/screens for it using C#. We should expect some neat stuff.

Im testing out the simulation thats built into the program and its AWESOME! Nice visual on data and ability to capture alot and also save screen shots and binary data and more its pretty cool! I cant wait for 2 weeks. (then by the tiime they ship it to me (after i order it))
Brian Schmaltz has come with a new version of the UBW. It is the UBW32 (32 bit PIC32 based USB Bit Whacker). It uses the PIC32MX460F512L.

The thing cooks at 80MHz. You need an ICD2/3 or a PICkit3 to debug it. I can use the inchworm/unicorn to do that or buy one of the above. (Still waiting to hear about the production PICkit3). If I understand it right the ICD3 will provide trace with this chip. That may be enough to make it my choice.

The price on the 32 bit PICS are decent too. The can be had for as little as $4, the PIC32MX460F512L is $8.

It looks like it uses the same peripherals which means C code should move fairly easy from the 18F family.

The bang for the buck on all this stuff is nothing short of amazing.

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