design a circuit that can store electric!!

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New Member
i currently doing my FYP, i want to design a circuit that can store electric that total amount of electric is a few milivolt.

but i just stuck, i don't know how to start, i don't know how to design a circuit, i need your help to provide me the a sample circuitry that can store the energy. or show me the e-book that related. provide the link please

your help will be deeply appreciate!
Here is how I would do it:**broken link removed**

I can state with some certainty that if you have to ask this question, then your are not ready for your FYP!
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thanks, but it's doesnt help. because i need kind of complete circuit, that i generated the electric by using transducer, and then i store the electric after transducer, this circuit must confirm that no electric return back to the transducer. the store energy circuit will then use to charge battery
design a circuit that can store electric

i currently doing my FYP, i want to design a circuit that can store electric that total amount of electric is a few milivolt.

i need sample circuit, that i generated the electric by using transducer, and then i store the electric after transducer, this circuit must confirm that no electric return back to the transducer. the store energy circuit maybe will then used to recharge battery.

but i just stuck, i don't know how to start, i don't know how to design a circuit, i need your help to provide me the a sample circuitry that can store the energy. or show me the e-book that related. provide the link please

your help will be deeply appreciate!
A capacitor or a rechargeable battery can store a DC voltage.
But the output of most little transducers is AC, not DC so nothing will be stored.

Millivolts are tiny. No rechargeable battery stores millivolts. Use a capacitor instead. But the stored millivolts is much too low to charge a battery.
dear audioguru

i using piezoelectric transducer, when i press down the piezoelectric material, the electric generated, i think the energy generated should be dc. do u have the sample circuit that used to stored energy?
dear audioguru

i using piezoelectric transducer, when i press down the piezoelectric material, the electric generated, i think the energy generated should be dc. do u have the sample circuit that used to stored energy?

Just feed it through a diode to a capacitor, but the amount of energy generated is miniscule - if this is your FYP project, I can only assume you're doomed!.
I think what you are looking for is called "Energy Harvesting". Google finds plenty of information about the subject. If you have access to IEEE Xplore, that would be a very good place to start researching.

Energy Harvesting Forum
**broken link removed**
ALD Energy Harvesting Modules

From IEEE:
Energy Harvesting From Piezoelectric Materials Fully Integrated in Footwear

I might be able to send you that IEEE article if you cannot access it otherwise. But I wont be able to make it publicly available.
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Sorry for off-topic, but I'm from Finland and therefor don't know what FYP stands for. I assumed it is "Final Year Project" or something similar.

Could someone (original poster studystudystudy) explain to me what is FYP?
And in what kind of school (university, college etc.) students have to do FYP?
Does the student have a supervising teacher for the project?
Who decides the subject of the project?
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dear Nigel Goodwin
don't spoil me down. but anyway, your post reply i will appreciate it, thank you

dear misterT

you advice and information and resource is helpful for me , here a very thank you for you.

FYP stand for final year project, i taking advance diploma which currently is last year for me and i have to do a FYP. i am college student, and i have supervisor for my FYP, but supervisor will only show some guideline for FYP, i have to do it my own.
dear misterT,

From IEEE:
Energy Harvesting From Piezoelectric Materials Fully Integrated in Footwear
I might be able to send you that IEEE article if you cannot access it otherwise. But I wont be able to make it publicly available.

please send me the article, because i couldn't access it, can you please send me to this email?

your help will deeply appreciate. thanks a lot
It is strange to me that you are asked to do a project which is studied all over the world by many people, but you are not provided access to those studies to learn from them. Do you have any access to papers like those at IEEE? Have you searched your school library for the subject etc. Your supervisor should be able to provide some kind of starting point or guide where to start your research.

The point is that the fundamental principle for the project is quite simple, but the key for successful design is in the details. If you are able to get papers from previous studies.. and you read them carefully.. you can learn a lot in couple of days. So ask your teachers for access to IEEE Xplore or some other source of scientific papers. And keep it simple young Padawan. Improve it later.
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to misterT,

thank you for your post reply

i do search and find some book in the library, my our library resources is limited, so far i just only found a few pages that only related to my project, and this few pages can be found on internet. i was think of going to the national library, but i have no transport, its was so far.

i try to access IEEE, but its required money to be a member, so i thought you are member, asking you help to copy the article. Yes, my supervisor will provided starting point and guided me, but this is my final year project, supervisor not necessary know how to do my project, they may don't know, because they not major in this project, i don't want every time go disturb my supervisor seem he very busy.

anyway, i will bear in mind your suggestion, i know your intention is to make myself be independent to do my project. thank you very much, your help is really valuable for me. a very thank you for you
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