Design for motor accident......

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My suggestion is to build a "bad driving detector" which when activated connects the "spark pluge" to the helmet.

Lol, first time I went to New York I was convinced that the taxi drivers had wired their horns to their brake pedals.

people in this forum does not help anymore, instead they try to put down people that is trying to get ideas to the people that they called in this forum "Experienced Member". try to read your replies, it is out of topic..
people in this forum does not help anymore, instead they try to put down people that is trying to get ideas to the people that they called in this forum "Experienced Member". try to read your replies, it is out of topic..

I think people on this forum do try and help others but occasionally a thread goes awry. The original poster brought this upon himself by, SHOUTING, SHOUTING IN COLOUR and pretending to be someone else.

people in this forum does not help anymore, instead they try to put down people that is trying to get ideas to the people that they called in this forum "Experienced Member". try to read your replies, it is out of topic..

You do have a point that the replies go out of topic but to say that people not help is another extreem

the reaction on this post is quite logical but with a cinical undertone
if people are offended by that and if it where my coments sorry for that it was not the intension

the second response of the poster (especialy when is pointed out that sertain customs are picted up as hostile or at least very unpolite in this forum) was not realy realistic after pointing out some real life posibilitys and dangers of excuting a project like this if posibble

It gets quite annoying when people like yourself use an excessive amount of "textspeak" when it is not necessary. For example and this is a real quote:

hey can i know what version did u use in your schematic?

We do not need 20 x's to indicate your thanks. Not even to mention that thanks is usually used as thx not tnx. It is also off topic.
people in this forum does not help anymore, instead they try to put down people that is trying to get ideas to the people that they called in this forum "Experienced Member". try to read your replies, it is out of topic..

Not true, I've gotten many helpful suggestions and advice here on projects I'm working on. I've also tried to help others where I can.

the reaction on this post is quite logical but with a cinical undertone


Although for the life of me I cannot figure out how some people get approval for projects they have zero chance of actually building past their instructors.
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I don't think my response was all that bad. I was trying to be helpful, and gave my views on the topic. The idea might have sounded good, if you have a friend or child, who rides without a helmet, and concerned. I was just honestly trying to point out, that you can spend years, and thousands of dollars, but it would take seconds and pennies to defeat. Also concerned that the safety feature might be a greater hazard then what it was meant to protect.

Personally, I think 90% of these safety devices, laws, and equipment are basically useless. They don't make anyone better drivers. They don't give you better judgment.

Personally, I would ride more then a few blocks without a helmet, I don't like bugs splattering on my face. For protection in an accident? Hey, a broken neck, is still a broken neck, with or without a helmet. Idiots will still try to mimic all those crazy stunts they see on TV, not know that most of those stuntmen spent plenty of time in the hospital learning to do that crap over the years. How about some laws banning stupidity?
In the UK you are required by law to wear a crash helmet on a motorbike, and to wear a seatbelt in a car (including in the back).
The same law applies in South Africa too, with the additional requirement that the motorcycle headlights must be on when in use.
The same law applies in South Africa too, with the additional requirement that the motorcycle headlights must be on when in use.

I don't think there's any such law in the UK (I've not biked for a fair few years now), but back when I did I ALWAYS used headlights, it gave me more chance of surviving

Even with headlights on, you could guarantee someone would pull out in front of you at least once a week!, usually when I was going to work in the morning.

atleast i know how to express my heartfull thanks..replies are keep on out of topic
Krumlinks post was a little over the top but your previous post was a little abrasive and maybe you provoked him. You criticized people when you hadn't researched the background behind the original criticism.

If you want to snipe at people and move on then fine. If you might want advice on a future project then become more tolerant.

people in this forum does not help anymore, instead they try to put down people that is trying to get ideas to the people that they called in this forum "Experienced Member". try to read your replies, it is out of topic..

As he says, keep off topic out of the topic.
I agree... forum is out of topic..

"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts."

Which is happening right now as you do know now how to adress in this forum in a more respecting way

HELLO!!!Good Evening!!!

Good evening once again!!!!!Can you give me idea, where the part body of the vehicular motor that can be easily be stop through electrical signal? I would like to raised my concern in order for me to have a clear basis as well as a great...
Among the parts of the motor what is the particular part that can be easily be stop?
any idea....thanks a lot
If your device fails while the rider is mid-turn at full tilt and kill the engine you would very likely cause a crash (and get sued).

I agree with most other's in this thread, it's a very silly idea with no real benifit..

Rather build an alcohol sniffing device into the helmet... if the rider is over the limit, let the bike's sidestand kick him in the b@lls... as he might kill me when he's riding around drunk.
If the guy isn't responsible enough to wear a helmet, even if it's just to set your mind at ease, he probably doesn't taking proper care of the equipment either. He's living by God's grace either way. When a car engine dies on the road, you get out and push it off to the side, not so lucky on a motorcycle.

You should buy a motorcycle, learn to ride, and all the proper things you need to keep it maintained. If you still think this Kill-Switch is a good idea, you will have already have learned where to install it, maybe a safer way to accomplish your goal. Every rider has taken a few spills, several close calls, and a few scary moments. Wearing the magic helmet doesn't make all the bad stuff go away. Riders wearing helmets still get hurt badly, and quite a few die.

Non-English post deleted.

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I agreeThe forum became useless
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