Design for motor accident......

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at first your intension is to safe a persons life by invading his responsability of his choice

the second thing is that you want to do it in a way wich is not safer than where you wan't to protect the person for and as a side effect it has the chance of endangering other peoples life with all consequences that can evolve from that

these 2 things have nothing to do that the way you wan't to realize this is I think technical not posible

and if you find a way to do it than it's nothing in the way of not using it which put yourself to the starting point of your quest

in my opinion that's wasted time efford and money

in case of wearing a helmet on the motor bike it's clearly the responsability of the driver

you can stimulate the driver by putting penaltys on him if he don't comply with it but if he/she doesn't see the importance for wearing a helmet than there will be always a situation that he will drive unprotected

technicaly you can't protect somebody from stupidity if you alow him/her the control of a vehicel

the only thing you can do is educate and hope that he/she see the importance of it for him/her and other road users

you have cars and motor bikes that are detuned (because they are considered to powerfull if your not a race pilot) this is in my opinion already a measure that goes to far
but geus what you have people that can "chip" the car/motor back to original performance specs

every system that people try to put up in the caller for safety can be bypased
some easy some harder but it's posibble

the thing is what if people rely on a safety device and it fails (and you design aproache was quite sensetive for failing)

if that has the consequense that means that other persons have a higher risk on injury/death than i would realy think about the ethics of having 1 person that deliberly schoose of having that risk or potential several persons looking at to the same faith but not ask for it

think about that i would say

I agreeThe forum became useless

Most senior people here will gladly help people that help themselves. You say the forum is useless, how much have you helped to make it a better place? These guys are not paid to help you, so stop complaining and help yourself a bit, and/or try to add some value to the forum.
I tried to share my thoughts and experiences as a previous motorcyclist. The tiniest malfunctions can hurt you badly, with or without a helmet. Then you must consider road conditions and other motorists. It really isn't practical to introduce another worry. The rider must have a certain amount of good sense and responsibility, otherwise its just a matter of time. No gadget is going to make the operator think better, it something that needs to be learned.

How about more of a tattler type circuit. It records whether or not the helmet is being used, temperature sensor perhaps. When you check it, and the rider hasn't followed your helmet rule, put a heavy chain and strong lock through the wheels, let him walk, or bum rides from friends for a while. Always, more fun to ride. even wearing the helmet. Eventually he will learn to be safer.

Sorry we can't just design this circuit for you, or help you mess around with the wiring (we don't know what motorcycle, and some are very different). Never heard of any 'hair' sensors, or any ideas on how that would work. But trust me, the worst things happen on a bike, when you need to react instantly to something unexpected, and even then it might not be good enough. You only get on chance, thinking isn't an option.
I suppose it's possible that I have a high speed accident.

I just think that I've got more chance of having an accident pushing through traffic and I wear plenty of padding so hopefully it won't be too bad.

I've had three addicent so far and all of them have been low speed:

  1. Stupidly I decided to take my Honda CG125 off road and slipped of a muddy track. Luckilly I wasn't hurt as I was doing under 20mph.
  2. I pulled out of a junction on my CG125, my back wheel slipped on a cat's eye and I slipped over. Again I wasn't hurt as I was probably only doing 15mph, if that.
  3. I was test rising a Vespa 250 and a silly 17 year old girl pullout in front of me as I was filtering through traffic. Again, luckilly I wasn't hurt as I was only doing 10mph and the girl must have being going a similar speed.

What followed crash number 3 was very stressful.
It turned out that I was uninsured as the shop didn't have any insurance for test riders despite telling me otherwise before allowing me to take the vehicle. Even though it was the girl's fault, I was an uninured driver which automatically makes me legally culpable as everone in the UK needs to be insured before they can go on the road.

The manager wanted me to buy the damaged bike off him "pretent" to have an acident, then claim off the insurance and he'd use the money to a cheap fix girl's car and repair my bike. He was really pushy and we ended up having an arguementl in the end I told him to get lost as this would amount to insurance fraud. He was actually accusing me of being immoral by test driving his bike, smashing it up and expecting him to foot the bill for the repairs which I found laughable.

The main thing that worried me was that I had unwittingly broken the law and could be convicted of driving without insurance. Luckilly nothing bad happened the girl got her car fixed independantly and I don't know or care what the manager of the bike shop did.
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