design help

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New Member
sup peeps.. im still a newbie when in comes to pcb designing and now i've come up with a project...just a very simple one..

im done making my design but i really doubt that there is still wrong with it..

im doing a 9v output power supply with a transformer that is
220v 12-0-12.. i cant attached my schematics since my copy is in my notes and i cant scan it cuz my scanner is busted..

heres the design:

i really really need your advice and corrections on this one... tHANx :roll:


  • powersupply_194.jpg
    22 KB · Views: 414
i believe you have to connect the output 0v to the transformer centre-tap or 0v
If the trafo is center-tapped, no need bridge rectifier, just two diodes.


  • download.jpg
    16.5 KB · Views: 412
ok.. im gonna try ur advice.. and heres my schematics on the design if ever there are more corrections needed... THANX


  • 1psschem.jpg
    26.5 KB · Views: 389
Here is the correction...
But in C4 position no need 1000uF, 10uF quite enough.


  • CT.GIF
    2.4 KB · Views: 363
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