design on_line UPS charger

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i want to design on_line UPS charger . analogue ver or micro controller based . pl help & guide me ...
You need to give us more information. What is it to be powered by? What output voltage and current?

What mains voltage do you have? What do you want to charge? Without more information it's impossible to design a practical charger. There's no such thing as a truly universal charger.

What mains voltage do you have? What do you want to charge? Without more information it's impossible to design a practical charger. There's no such thing as a truly universal charger.


it sens two current sens.
1_ batt charging current
2_ load current
Is this for domestic, commercial, .......industrial or military use? Is the UPS for an intruder alarm, a PC, an office block, a hospital, an aircraft carrier ...... ? Give us a clue !!!!
it sens two current sens.
1_ batt charging current
2_ load current
What battery voltage?
What load Voltage?

i want to one idea , i will change according to requirement

OK then use a battery charger.

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