design to measure depth

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New Member
I intend to design a board use echo sounder transducer to measure depth of sea. Who did this problem? Can you help me?
I intend to design a board use echo sounder transducer to measure depth of sea. Who did this problem? Can you help me?

How deep do you want to go? and to what accuracy.?
Do you already have any transducers.?
This is right up your ally Eric, did you not design oceanographic equipment for the company you had?

Trungkstn; Eric is not gonna just hand you a design, I expect he would want you to put forth some effort on your own. When you get stuck on your own design, then you can expect some help, but do not just ask for a ready made project.

Sorry Eric, I do not mean to speak for you...
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I'm only a student. I try to complete my project for a subject. hic hic.
i have some idea for design. I'll post soon . I don't want to receive complete schematic. I want to do by myself. But I confuse about designing transmitter because I'm not sure about required voltage level. I intend to use push-pull.
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This is a circuit for ilustration purposes its 200Khz but same principals for 50Khz. T103 gives a wave form of about 330V 200Khz pulses across the transducer. The transformers are designed for the particular freq you want to use.

The circuit 'debe' has posted is well known professional echo sounder, Koden make good equipment.

You can see the transducer driver is a multi winding transformer with a winding for the received echo take off point.

As your sounder is only for a maximum of 150mtrs depth, its possible to wind you own transformer using a RM10 Ferrite pot core.

If you can find an obsolete LM1812 IC, thats got all the internal circuits for TX and RX, at least look at the datasheet for the LM1812.

Post your circuit when ready and I will try to help


  • LM1812.pdf
    496.2 KB · Views: 178
Thank 'debe' a lot. I'm an amateur. hi hi
And i also thank for your guide, especially Eric. Thank you so much.
I'll read carefully your recommends and if i have question i'll ask you again and i hope i'll receive your assist.
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More just for your interest it a Furuno FE300 sounder that uses a National ic LM1812 that eric posted. I still have a new LM1812 as i used to repair sounders. So in the design area Eric might be the man to ask questions

Dear Debe,
Would you please send the JPG file again.I think it does not work.
I want to work on echo sounders too and I think that would be really helpful for me.
Thank you in advanced.
For some reason the site wont let me post a picture any more & a some of previous atachments cant be viewed any more. Since the site crashed a few days ago. Have sent a PM.
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