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Dhaval Prajapati stole my work!

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Ever heard on no win no fee?

Even if litigation isn't a viable option, it would certainly act as a deterrent.
Hero999 said:
Ever heard on no win no fee?

Even if litigation isn't a viable option, it would certainly act as a deterrent.

Admittedly, my perspective is from the USA, so that experience may not be applicable. No win,no fee (called contingency fees here) is really an arrangement used almost solely for personal injury and similar (e.g., discrimination) lawsuits. It probably does not exist in the area of typical business litigation.

As for being a deterrent, one need not providing a warning. In fact, the presence of a warning such as suggested indicates inexperience and an amateurish approach to IP protection that may be more an invitation than a deterrent to abuse. John
I'm gonna have to side with jpanhalt on this one. Yeah, I've heard of "no win no fee," but it's the same as hearing about the Tooth Fairy. The reality in my experience has been that even in instances where legal aid has informed, and paid for the court costs, of someone with a completely righteous claim, that the same person is largely only rewarded with an acknowledgement that they were in the right. If you compare what they "win" as a result of their involvement in court with what they could have accomplished instead of wasting their time and money in litigation, I think you'd realize that arguing in court is no money-maker. And that's presuming that you win - no matter how righteous you may be, the outcome of court proceedings are largely influenced by your ability to articulate your case, and the whims of the judge.

You're better off just being smarter than the criminals in the first place. That takes less energy than flexing your proverbial muscles, spouting off what you'll do to anyone who attempts to wrong you. The flaw with that is similar to the flaw of a parent saying, "Don't do that, or you'll be punished." As soon as the child realizes it's unlikely that the parent will be able to follow-through with the punishment, the door is open for re-offenders.

Civil courts are, perhaps ironically, mostly designed to protect larger society from two parties that are incapable (i.e. too stupid) to resolve their differences in a civilized manner themselves. I would expect, even though copyright infringement is considered a crime in many nations, that even those nations would in actuality consider copyright infringement a civil matter, especially on smaller scale occurences.
Hank, I agree completely, but accessibility to the courts for civil matters has become so lopsided and expensive that for ordinary individuals (excepting small claims), they are essentially not accessible.

Let's say you have a piece of land in the US, some attorney wants it, and figures out some frivolous way to sue you for it. Your choices are very limited, and unless it is worth millions, you are probably better off selling it for whatever the attorney is willing to offer. As we say in the US, bullets are cheaper, which is why the first sentence in your last paragraph is so ironic. John
If any of those sites (I noticed one google ad) make any money from adds on those sights, you can definitely go after them! The RIAA is using that tactic on isohunt at the moment I believe.

You have a great site with some really nice info. Don't let these tards get away!
I cant believe that so many sites are all still using your server to host the stolen files! You should follow the advice given by others and change the links to the pics. You should use strong language to offend as many of his readers as possible, and inform them of what a c*** he is.

HerbertMunch said:
I cant believe that so many sites are all still using your server to host the stolen files! You should follow the advice given by others and change the links to the pics. You should use strong language to offend as many of his readers as possible, and inform them of what a c*** he is.

thanks for your comments guys..

Actually, this turned out to be veryyyyyyyyy funyy!
look at the page:

You will notice i followed your advice, and changed one of the pictures... loool

Actually, this way, it is more insulting for him than it is harmful for me!.. that's for sure with out speaking about the comments at the end of his page!! haha!

(i know i am litle Sadist here.. but.. i am sure you forgive me! :D )
ikalogic said:
Actually, this way, it is more insulting for him than it is harmful for me!.. that's for sure with out speaking about the comments at the end of his page!! haha!

(i know i am litle Sadist here.. but.. i am sure you forgive me! :D )

Hmmm. YOur definition of sadist is much less severe than mine. I would have been downright nasty.
I think that you should have done something to the actual picture content. The pic you made doesnt stand out enough. Instead of one picture saying '...illegal...', on every picture it should say "thief!" or something along those lines.
how about changing a few of the links to point at a modified version of his portrait picture. i.e
1)Rip the photo of him from his website.
2) modify it to show him, with a big arrow pointing at him saying " I steal my content from others".
3)exchange this picture on your site with one of the ones he is linking to.
HerbertMunch said:
I think that you should have done something to the actual picture content. The pic you made doesnt stand out enough. Instead of one picture saying '...illegal...', on every picture it should say "thief!" or something along those lines.

Here you go! but.. intead of just typing THEIF!.. i said.. why not crank it up a litle... with that funny picture!!!

take a look a now at his site ! looool


  • 4wdrive.jpg
    44.2 KB · Views: 237
HerbertMunch said:
how about changing a few of the links to point at a modified version of his portrait picture. i.e
1)Rip the photo of him from his website.
2) modify it to show him, with a big arrow pointing at him saying " I steal my content from others".
3)exchange this picture on your site with one of the ones he is linking to.

yeah!! this would have been funyy too :D
Well you could use the cat photos in place of all your stolen links. Puddles of fun.
Too soft. I say it's time to hit this loser with some hard-core photos, leather and what-not (geez, don't ask me... like I know about that stuff?). You've got his photo: try some amateur (immature?) photoshopping.
I think what you have done is very restrained but effective. I don't think putting offensive material there would be a good idea.

P.S. like the new site.
For the record, I was just trying to make light of the situation. I think I've already expressed my true sentiments about what I consider the best course of action was earlier in this thread. As Mike's said, taking the high-road (and avoiding the low-brow) is the better solution.
Get a picture of a big fat ugly naked woman and put a caption "This is my mum" at the bottom of it and replace all the pics he's using with it.
picbits said:
Get a picture of a big fat ugly naked woman and put a caption "This is my mum" at the bottom of it and replace all the pics he's using with it.

Well.. that would be quite out of my principles! but.. would still be very funny! :D

anyway guys, thanks for the support, and as i said, it's even better to keep this page, now i don't even want to contact google about it!, in stead, when i am chating with a friend, and want to give him a good laugh, i send him the url, along with the litle story! lol :D
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