Digital Automotive Tachometer Reading 2X

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Hi folks. My problem is that a digital tachometer I installed in a offroad vehicle is reading twice the rpm that it should. I am using a MSD ignition box and MSD tach adaptor. The engine is a 350 chevy with a HEI distributor. I have gone around and around with both manufactures and all the wiring should be correct and yet the problem remains. The tach has a cylinder selector switch on the back and when it is set to 4 cyl the unit reads 4x as fast 8cyl 2x. Anyway is there something I could put inline in the signal wire going to the tack to reduce the pules by half? It is supposed to be a square wave voltage signal. Thanks a lot for any help you might be able to supply.
Quick answer: YES

but it's digital. Not my best stuff. Somebody else will be right along and hook you up.
It sounds like you have some ringing and it is double counting. Maybe a "filter", or dropping the pick-up signal amplitude? I'll be back later to help with it...
I would try a simple RC filter consisting of a series 10K 1/4W resistor connected between the distributor connection and the input to the tach cable, with a shunt 10nF 15V capacitor connected between the center-conductor and shield of the tach cable. The cable going from distributor to tach is a shielded coaxial cable, right? The tach cable shield is grounded near the distributor connection, right?
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