Digital lock.

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New Member
Hello everyone.
I really m in a serious problem can someone plz help me out and provide me a Digital Lock circuit. In which registers are used to store data and keypad is used to enter password. We need to store one password from begining and when user enter the password if it matches then the lock open up.
Can someone plz provide me the circuit..
hey azeemushan, go to and check out some electronic lock schematics...they have got plenty of schematics for number locks and other electronic locks...

Thanks man.
U have done a good a job.
I have found one.
But unfortunately my teacher now wants to change the PROJECT!!!
So i have to design a project according to her will...
ah a dominating women that changes her mind from one minute to the next,
welcome to a MAN's WORLD

ah a dominating women that changes her mind from one minute to the next,
welcome to a MAN's WORLD


She really want to Dominate us. Really don't know y!!but that is reality.
Any ways i thing u people gona help me out in the next project...
Lets c wt it is!!
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