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Digital Master Clock with 7 Seg LED Displays & Hourly Ch

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Hi Brett

I think you may be in luck!! I have searched for such information for a while.I have found some info from which I will duplicate to make my own version msf. clock.

Hans summers created an msf. clock some years ago.He used a bunch of 74lsxxx IC's to decode the NPL. time signal.I would use the updated version of those IC's. He does provide a very comprehensive parts list and Schematic he does also show at what point you get a 1 hz signal from the circuit and how it actually decodes the signal.You will deffo get the info you require to get your clock going with his info.

Alternatively and much simpler than Hans set up is the Em2s MSF. receiver add this to a 60khz antenna and you have the parts required to get your master clock going.

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I hope this info helps,I think it will and I do hope you try it out as it will be a bonus to your clock.


Thanks wombweller.
I would love to add MSF to my master. If there is a simple decode circuit out there that would give me a 1 sec pulse (I'm not bothered with the other time and date data) I would give it a try.

I ran the Maplin MSF clock for many years before I built my Master but the signal here is not too good and it would get lost many times a day. I have an MSF alarm clock that works well but again the signal comes and goes.

My best bet is to use an MSF pulse to sychronise my seconds pulse maybe once an hour or perhaps a day.

Anyone know of any circuits out there I could use?

Your clock looks like and English clockmakers' regulator with the three hands. That is very nice.

Here is an English clock from 1795 going for $15,000+
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Wish I could afford one of those myself!! I do like his website and I often view and dribble all over my keyboard while viewing.

I am creating a similar clock with astro dials but mine is from a combo of 30 and 1 sec impulse slaves and a bit of circuitry to boot for a calender dial with auto correct.I have not yet decided if I should timebase this clock via a 1 sec pendulum or electronics my preference is to use an ex sync or gpo. pendulum as give a good visual aspect all housed in an early Gent master case.


Your clock looks like and English clockmakers' regulator with the three hands. That is very nice.

Here is an English clock from 1795 going for $15,000+
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Thanks bobledoux. That was the look I was after.
I looked at the dials on 10 differant regulator clocks and picked out the feature that I thought looked best. I went for hours and seconds showing 1 to 60 not 0 to 59, hours in Arabic rather than Roman in 24 hours not 12 hour. I also added a leading 0 to the 24 hour numerals from 1 to 9 to keep the hour dial balanced.

The dial was then drawn using a cad program and printed out on Lazertran transfer paper before being transferred to a blank dial that I sprayed off white. The dial was then sprayed with varnish to make the Lazertran backing tranparent to show the dial background.

The case was from an old 12" school clock, I have stored away the dial and movement for safe keeping.

wombweller & gaspode42
Thanks for your replies. I have printed out the design from Hans but I like the look of the ready built modules as my clock is full to bursting already!

Off the top of my head I will need a bit of logic circuitry to sych the seconds on the hour pulse from my clock. If a MSF seconds pulse is present the seconds timebase is reset to this pusle. If not present due to a loss of signal the clock will run off it's own quartz crystal.

Thanks again. Brett.
Off the top of my head I will need a bit of logic circuitry to sych the seconds on the hour pulse from my clock. If a MSF seconds pulse is present the seconds timebase is reset to this pusle. If not present due to a loss of signal the clock will run off it's own quartz crystal.

Sounds interesting Brett!! could you give me the nod if you come up with something?

No problems. I have checked out the cost of a pre built MSF module and antenna and it comes to around £50.

I have ordered an £8 radio alarm clock off ebay to see if I can hack the parts I need. I through 2 of these out last year.

I'll let you know how I get on.
Master Clock Word doc download

Thanks to the help from members of this froum I have now completed my DCF77 decoder.
I have now fitted it to my Master and it is keeping perfect time after 6 days.

I have written up a word doc on my Master Clock that includes full details of the DCF77 decoder. The doc is 48 pages long and I have included all the diagrams and vero layouts I could find along with many photos.

While I'm sure no one will want to build the whole clock there may be parts that may prove useful.

The Word file is 25megs. I am unable to post the attachemnt to this forum so have pasted a link so it can be downloaded. This link only lasts 29 days so perhaps by then I will have managed to post it on the forum.

edit new word updated use same link to download pics below added to file

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Master Clock pics

Here are a couple of pics of the modified Master showing main display panel contols and also a view from below showing control switches.

Note I have added these pics to my Masterclock Word doc see temp download link above.


  • Master cutout02lablesm.jpg
    Master cutout02lablesm.jpg
    644.3 KB · Views: 806
  • IMG_640720090609-01cutoutsm.jpg
    449.5 KB · Views: 688
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Battery backup

Thanks to the help from members of this forum my battery backup is now working.

I have added details into the Master Clock word doc now at version 4

You can download it from here for the next 30 days. If you find this link after the 30days have expired let me know and I'll reactivate it.

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Thanks for that nike6 didn't know it was there.

Download the Master Clock file here.
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Master Clock with DIY Slave Clock made using 30 sec movement from an old office clock. you can connect as many of these slave as you wish using extra relays or transistors as required.

All slaves can be advanced or retarded from the master clock.

Also 2 large 12" dial clocks with 30 sec and 1 sec syncronized movements. 1 sec quartz clock driver diagram also included.

The clock now chimes via a 4" longcase clock bell and 30sec clock movement(see pic).

Hi Brett

I noticed from you updated web site that you used a small relay with a bell hammer attached for the bell strike.what sort of relay did you use and did it prove worth while?

Hi Mark it is not really a relay. It's a 30sec clock motor with the gears stripped out.

Hi Brett

Realise that you made a bell ringer form a slave clock movement but also along side that from your website is another option using a relay or am I confused:eek:

I'm just making one of my own but I ended up using a converted post office type relay (3000) Just thought yours with a miniature relay would be more compact!!!

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Hi Brett

Realise that you made a bell ringer form a slave clock movement but also along side that from your website is another option using a relay or am I confused:eek:

I'm just making one of my own but I ended up using a converted post office type relay (3000) Just thought yours with a miniature relay would be more compact!!!


Just wondered what type of relay it was and if it performs ok!!!

Hi Mark
The relay is just a small 5v relay (can't remember which one) that had a large armature so I could attach the wire to strike the old telephone bell.

This option is very compact and sounds nice but is not very loud. In the end I went for the large 4" bell and slave movement that can be heared all round the house. If you have more than 5volts to play with then you will have more of a choice of relays.

Your PO type relay sounds a good option though.
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