Digital RF

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i have been working on a wireless transmitter and receiver for a bigger project of mine, but i'm affraid that there is too much analog interference, so i want to switch to digital, but i don't know how. Google has been no help to me at all. Any help would ne greatly apprecheated. this is the website i got the TX and RX form: YO3DAC - Homebrew RF Circuit Design Ideas

Are you a a ham? .... If so you can build and test high power radios .....

Regarding digital, there are technology now.... Pactor, Amtor.... look for software defined radios....also...
i am not looking for a radio that requires software. my circuit is for wireless headphones. the circuit that i was using is attached. i only modified the values for 15MHz and 20MHz (one for each headphone). all i did was modify the values for a simple FM transmitter circuit, the problem that I'm worried about is interference, if i switch to digital, then i need not worry. and range is not an issue, ideal a maximum of 10ft.


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Using a digital signal will not solve the analog noise problems, the noise will still be there it doesn't just magically go away when you use a digital signal. What exactly are your project requirements? You may be able to find a commercial product which meets your needs.

I find it very difficult to believe that you've searched Google for any length of time for wireless digital audio transmission and found no good links to provide information.
i have searched Google multiple times for circuits to help me, but i have found nothing that resembles what i want. the only wireless headphones that Google gives me are big and clunky, or the only circuits work by infrared. what i am looking for is a set of wireless headphones that can be made into the size of an ear bud. and i was told to either upgrade to digital transition or to move into the frequency where the old analog TV signals were transited, but i heard that that specific air band frequency is being auctioned off.
the wireless headphones that i found are big and clunky and not what i want. if you can find a link or more ideal a store where i can buy a pair of wireless ear bud headphones plz tell me. this is the closest thing that i have found but it's still not what i want.**broken link removed** **broken link removed**would like wireless ear bud headphones where the ear buds are not connected.
i looked a little further and i found these, but i think they look goofy. is there anything smaller or sleeker?**broken link removed**
... THAT'S A GREAT IDEA!!! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?!?!?! no what i am really looking for is some thing roughly the size of iPod ear buds**broken link removed**
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