dimming LED strips

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Well-Known Member
ran across this schematic and thinking of incorporating into my next sign PCB.
QUESTION maybe a 1K resistor before the gate to protect the gate?
Planning on using a smd pot


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after some research, the most the mosfet will have to handle is approx 5 watts.
The pot will be hard wired to the PCB. The company selling the LED/neon rope lights has a dimmer that can be used. Will consider
after some research, the most the mosfet will have to handle is approx 5 watts.
The pot will be hard wired to the PCB. The company selling the LED/neon rope lights has a dimmer that can be used. Will consider
Use their dimmer, presumably it costs hardly anything? - it will be a 'proper' one, not like the crap one from circuits-diy

And 5W is a LOT of heat, and would require a large heatsink
You can use a PWM circuit to drive a power FET high (P)ch) or low side (Nch) such as a LM555 PWM with a pot. Then it will be efficient. Choose f = 1k to 5 kHz or buy a proper remote control controller with LEDs is best.
After researching the data sheet I see the 18F2221 has 5 PWM outputs.
Now to test the Swordfish code and see if it is what I can use.
am I reading these data sheets correctly?
portb.3, c.1, c2, are all PWM outputs?


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