DIP USB to serial converter chip?

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New Member
I'm looking for a through-hole chip that will convert USB to serial, like the one on the Arduino, but there's only SSOP and QFN packages for that. Does anyone know of any/are there any? I've seen breakout boards, but they're $20 a piece, and that's a bit too steep for my liking. Thanks
The only thing I havee found are DIP modules with the FTDI SMD ICs on them. THey run about around don't really get lower than $20 and most seem to be in the $30 range.

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Yeah, at a price like that, it'd be cheaper to just replace the USB port on a project with a serial one and grab one of these:
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Thanks for the link, though
There is also the pic 18f2550 which can use the Microchip USB stack. All you need is a 24 MHz crystal and supporting capacitors.
Low cost adaptors

I did find Sockets - SMD Adapters that does very cheap (<$1) adaptors for smd devices if that helps.
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