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DIY Generator

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If anybody is wondering , where can i get some wire like that for free, these coils of wire came out of Relays..
i have , getting the wire out , down to a science , the guy i get these from tells me that he just throws them out , so he gave me a bunch..
He owns a generator/ alternator repair shop..
pic two is the fixture , without the wire , that brass sleve in the center worked beautifully..
pic three is a recently finished coil with the pigtail still woundup, and the sleve on the right..
Well i've finished eight of the thicker wire coils , YAY ..and i'll be testing it over the next few days.. :lol:


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This is a 9 coil 12 magnet three phase generater.
Edit : Number of Coils to number of magnets Ratio must be 3/4 for three phase . in this case 9/12..
magnet dia. to coil dia. ratio = 1/2
the coil hole is 0.75"


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I redid the 9 coil 12 magnet generator up above..
the new design is very symetric..
the coils are 1.5' dia , the magnets are exactly half that size.
the 9 coils are positioned out 40 deg. apart 360/9..
the magnets are positioned at 30 deg. intervals evenly spaced ..

if you rotate the magnets 15 degrees ccw , the voltage for phase A would be maximum.


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I'm getting dizzy watching your coils and magnets going round and round. Around and around? Around and round? Round and around?
I gotta lie down. Bye. :lol:
This is a 15 coil 20 magnet three phase generator , thats 5 coils per phase.
this diagram uses 1/2 " magnets ( the ones i have) and 1" coils , i've left out the hole in each coil, for clarity . phase A has the hole and the magnet in the same spot anyway..
I keep making small improvements to my 8 coil , single phase, exer-gen :lol:
today i put on a set of smaller dia. pedels and it enables me to to crank @ 341 RPM under load , and 389 RPM max no load speed.
I still am going to try the three phase generater , but it requires precise dia. coils as you can see , because they are right next to each other ..
Its hard to predict what a 9 coil three phase genny would produce, because thats only three coils per phase..and the coils would have to be 1" dia. instead of the ones i am usung now which are 1.5" dia. we'll see..


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Eh Willi,
Mate the best person to ask this question by far would be Flux on the otherpower forum. But off memory using a 1/2" magnet on a 1-1/2" coil won't excite the maximum current in each coil. Why don't you replace those 1/2" magnets with say 1-1/2"x 1" then watch the output triple atleast.
but like I say I'm not an authority on wind gennies however if ya going to make a genny ya want the biggest output ya can get. So keep tryin mate and don't worry when I get my 2"x1"x1/2" Neo's I'll start havin some fun too.

Cheers Bryan :D
2" x 1" x .5" ..... wow i just cant imagine the strength of those..
anyway i sort of designed your genny ( part of it ) ..
the outer large circle is 8" dia. the coils are 2" dia (at the wide end)
the coil smaller dia. is 1"
the center of each coil is 2'' long..
this gives .5" of wire on the side of each coil , and 1" of wire if they are right next to each other , as shown ..
is this what you are gonna do?
if not give me the specs and i'll draw it up for you..


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Eh Willi,
The design of my genny will be very similar to Hugh Piggot's design, however I'll be making it 14" diameter using 3/8" thick disks. I have a pair of 11" diameter honda brake disc's but all my mates reckon it's too small a diameter to get a kilowatt. With the Neo's I'll be putting 12 on each disc for and I'm not certain on the coils yet but I'm thinking of 9 coils setup in 3 phase star at this stage but all that depends on the magnet wire I get. The reason I haven't gone full steam ahead on the genny is I haven't setup a dump load yet and the solar is pretty well keeping the batteries topped up. But with some of this heating wire I got I'm making up a hot seed raising bed for my wife.

Cheers Bryan :D
i get my magnet wire free from an alternator repair shop.
the wire comes from large relays .
all i gotta do is take them apart.. :lol:
i dont have access to hugh piggots designs , doesnt he sell them..?
Hiya Willi,
Here's the link to Hugh's website
and on the site there's a heap of infomation on wind gennies and he used to have a pdf link to his book but I can't find it there. Anyway I do have the pdf on my puter so if you want it pm me your e-mail addy and I'll send it over to you.

Cheers Bryan :D
i made a couple of the one inch coils ,that i was talking abuot before..
They produce 2V each which doesnt sound like much untill you figure that there are five per phase which is ten Volts and the Line to line voltage is square root of three times ten equals 17V all calculated.. i think thats right ? and given the lack of wire used , it should be a very light and powerful generator , with incredably low internal resistance..
below is a six coil 3 phase gen.
it should have 8 magnets , but i wanted to see if i could make one with the coils seperated . It worked out nicely..


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williB said:
below is a six coil 3 phase gen.
it should have 8 magnets , but i wanted to see if i could make one with the coils seperated . It worked out nicely..

I'm sure it works but I also dare say it would work even better with 12 coils. If you ever have taken a commercial generator (alternator, really) apart you see that they cram the coils as close together as possible. You want these magnets to work continuously on their circular travel route.

Btw, the video has sound but only a black pic on Windows media player, which is all this work computer has.

Keep those experiments going, I enjoy reading about them 8)

Like this ,
this is my latest one. Just need to make 2 more
the coils are are 1'' dia. , except for the one on the far right.. lol

about the video .. hmmm .. dont know ??


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this is a 9 coil 12 magnet gen. superimposed on a 9 coil 24 magnet gen..
what i am trying to do here is have two generators on one rotoor
one thing i noticed is that for the same rotation the 9-24 will go through twice as many cycles ..
or put another way , for every 15 degree rotation the outer gen. compleats one half cycle , while the inner gen only goes through 0ne quarter cycle..
also a consequence of using twice the minium number of magnets is the phase changes from A-B-C to A-C-B not a big deal but thought i'd mention it..
so the outer circle is 8 '' dia. , (which is what i have to work with..) the coils are 1'' dia. & magnets are .5''.. the problem is my hub is larger than 1.948 '' which is the inner dia of the 9 coil 12 magnet setup ..


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Ok got the last two done..
Ya know , this will just fit in the size of a 3 1/4 '' hard drive case ..we'll see.. :lol:
now the question arises ( if i decide to put it in the 3 1/4 '' ), how am i gonna apply power to it? A while back i got this cranking flash light with a bunch of gears in it..possibilities..


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in the first pic is the coil layout ready to be soldered , thats next ..
i just finished the magnets..
Looks like stone-henge doesnt it ?
**broken link removed**
this would not be possible without emachineshop program , its fantastic..


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