Does this 4011 flasher work?

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New Member
Found this circuit and am hoping it does what i need - flash the LED at the rate of 240 per minute. Have no idea how to tell if the resistor/cap values are set properly to do this.

Anyone know how to determine what this will CD4011 circuit actually do?
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It doesn't do what you want. One of the four gates about 2 MHz !
Anyone know how to determine what this will CD4011 circuit actually do?
Simulate it in LTSpice etc.
here is the original schematic ---

Maybe I didn't format my version correctly ....

Does this ORIGINAL schematic - which I copied to make up my layout - have the same problem?
Right off the top if you gate the MOSFETS ON they produce a dead short across your supply. Where is the load?

Yeah, that didnt make sense to me either - I just used the CD4011 part of the circuit, took output from pin 4 to a small transistor whose output (if pin 4 was high) lit the strobe. Have not tried to breadboard yet - thought it wise to ask if the CD4011 design would produce the flashing output before even starting --- and, at what rate.

Any way to check that from the circuit? I'm not even sure why the inputs of 3 of the amps are shorted together.....
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