Doubt on LCD

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New Member
Could any expert explain to me about the difference between 5x7 dot matrix LCD and 5x8 dot matrix LCD? Do they have the same command for initialization?

Further more, for a 16x2 line, 5x7 LCD, we initialise it using Hex 38H, how about 16x4 lines, 5x8 LCD? Does anyone have idea on it? Why we need to initialise the LCD using these hexadecimal number?

Thanks for your expert answer.

Jynee Ng
if you google the driver chip on the LCD .. the pdf will explain everything you want to know about using the LCD.. I forget the number on the chip or i would give it to you.
Thanks, but...

Thanks williB and Nigel Goodwin, I ever go through for the datasheet. But very curious, the datasheet only show for 5x7 dots instead of 5x8 dots. So I am wondering of is this two kinds of LCD can use the same command code? Other than that, the datasheet only show how to initialize the 2 lines LCD instead of 4 lines. That really make me confuse of how to initialize my LCD. My LCD model is TRIMODS1539.

By the way, the link that Nigel Goodwin provided cannot be displayed. Can you help me to confirm the link again? Really appreciate your assistance.

I will be very appreciate if you all can help me in understanding the LCD. Because I really confuse of the type of LCDs and the way we can initialize my LCD?
williB said:
if you google the driver chip on the LCD .. the pdf will explain everything you want to know about using the LCD.. I forget the number on the chip or i would give it to you.

Thanks, by the way, how can we get the driver chip model on the LCD? Sorry if I am asking a silly questions. But I am truly a newie for electronic.

Thanks for answering

They are almost all based on the Hitachi HD44780, even though not many of them actually have that number on the chip.

Sorry about the link, I missed a bit out :lol:

Try it consists of two PDF files.
Thanks Nigel Goodwin, haha, I just get to search for it. But really thanks for your link . By the way, do you have any idea about 5x7 dots and 5x8 dots. Are this two kind of LCD using the same command code? I ever read for the datasheet for KS0070B, is it one type of "driver chip" as mentioned at the discussion above?

I seem to remember that the EPE article explains the dot size, the Hitachi chip set gives two options, 5x10 and 5x7, with 5x7 been the default setting, and the one normally used.

I don't recognise that number, but then I wouldn't - it's very likely to be the same though, just try it and see!.
Thanks for the article given by Nigel Goodwin. I get some idea from the articles. By the way, what I get is for a 4 lines LCD, it also consider as a two line type. Therefore, when we initialise the LCD, we are initilise it to two line mode.

However, for the common LCD, there are only two mode of the pixel can be shift, that is 5x10 and 5x7. But my LCD is an 5x8 dots LCD, what mode should I shift to? Does anyone have any idea regarding this?


Today will be a nice day, if you make it in your mind...
Anyone know the meaning of the "192 character" or "32 character" at the below statement?

"CGROM (Character Generator ROM)
CGROM has a 5 x 7-dot 192 character pattern, and a 5 x 10-dot 32 character pattern (Refer to Table 2)."

I get this statement from the datasheet for KS0070B. But unfortunately, the mentioned "Table 2" is not available in the datasheet.

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