Hi, I'm looking for a linear displacement draw-wire, but I cannot seem to find any for purchase online. Does anyone have any links as to where to look? Been googling for a good hour, and all I can find are heavy industrial-draw wires.
I need one that has a range between 600 cm - 1 m. Thanks!
You may want to try a Google of a few terms. Over the years I have called them string potentiometer, sometimes also known as a string pot, a draw wire senor, a string encoder or a yo yo pot. I've used versions running out to 120" (3048 mm). Anyway string potentiometer will get you a dozen hits from various manufacturers. The better the uncertainty the higher the cost. Micro-Epsilon has a good line, not cheap but good stuff, UniMeasure is another also Baldwin may still make string pot encoders.
I had purchased several string pots from Space Age Controls several years age, to measure the movement of the underside of a glacier. They were the cheapest plastic ones I could find. But they were still $160. https://www.spaceagecontrol.com/s054b.htm
I had purchased several string pots from Space Age Controls several years age, to measure the movement of the underside of a glacier. They were the cheapest plastic ones I could find. But they were still $160. https://www.spaceagecontrol.com/s054b.htm
I was looking for small, light weight, accurate, and relatively inexpensive. And because of the wet environment in the caves under the glaciers, the string pots were in waterproof Pelican cases with a rubber glans to feed the string and data cable out.