Dual Output Transformer : both parallel and series current.

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Hey all,

I could make and informed decision thanks to you all. To say the least, this 18+9V business is over my head

I decided to replace the Alesis pre (the one needing 18V) with a M-audio dmp3, which needs the same 9VAc as the Art pres. Still 1A for 2 channels: no tubes in there, which is probably for the best...

I will take all your advisement into consideration, tracking ground loops and improving protection. At worst, in case I fail , the 2 Art pres will stay in the bag with their wall warts and the m-audio will have the 8A tranny for itself... Shouldn't run too hot

Thanks for your valued inputs.

Hey all,

I could make an informed decision thanks to you all. To say the least, this 18+9V business is over my head

I decided to replace the Alesis pre (the one needing 18V) with a M-audio dmp3, which needs the same 9VAc as do the Art pres. Still 1A for 2 channels: no tubes in there, which is probably for the best... The 18V pre will serve as backup pre with different sound to have handy in the studio.

I'm doubtful about a dual tube pre at 68€ anyway...

Thanks for your valued inputs.

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