Dual View TV

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Well-Known Member
Hey everyone im kind of stuck here. I have 2 camera i want to setup on 1 tv. They use RCA jacks and i assume are NTSC type signal. How can i get both inputs to 1 TV shown side by side?

Is there a simple device i can use?
Is there a IC i can use ?

Any links to actual products i can buy would be awesome! please under $75 would be awesome!
The under 75 might be a problem, split screen isn't as common as 4 in one (for obvious ratio-metric reasons)

Does the TV have a picture in picture function?

Take a look on e-bay for security products. **broken link removed**.

Good search terms to use would be quad, four channel, splitter, security. Mix em around a little and you should be able to find something in your range.
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