Dusk light timer 12v

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New Member
Hi all,

I am a complete newby and have not done anyform of electronics since at school, and that was many years ago.

I am trying to design a circuit and it may have already been done before, it is on the basis of a solar garden light but I want to time its duration it is on, for example 2hours after the dusk sensor has triggered it.

I am intending to use a 12v car battery and some 4w led lights.

I would presume I need a relay to operate the on off switch for the lights and the supply to this unit would be done using a timed supply that would run off the 12v car battery once activated by the dusk sensor.

Am I on the right tracks? Has this been done before and someone can point me in the direction of a previously completed design/project.


I have no idea where in the world you are, so very hard to recommend a vendor.
But, if you Google: cellotptik .....they are all over the place.

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