Dust Collection automation

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New Member

I am looking for some help in finding an alternative to a simple on/off relay. Attached in a picture of an Automatic dust collection system that was found in the July/August Find Woodworking Magazine. Credit to the Author as is a very good system. However, I would like to add a delay on/off relay to the system to allow the ability to reduce load on the circuit and allow the dust collector to run a few seconds after the table saw or other large tool is turned off. I have looked at time delay relays but my novice electronic experience just will not let me comprehend the necessary equipment and wiring diagrams needed. Any Ideas would greatly appreciate.


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What you are looking for is a "delay-on-make" timer to be placed between the current sense relay and the relay for the dust collection motor.

I built one many years ago, with a 2 second delay on starting the vacuum, and also a 10 second delay on stopping the vacuum after I stopped the table saw. It was home built circuitry. If you can afford the costs, go with the commercial timers.

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