Eagle DRC vs FreeDRM Output

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I have created a PCB board using Eagle and out of curiosity, sent it to Advanced Circuits' FreeDFM (www.freedfm.com) to check for "manufacturability". However, the report from the latter isn't too positive, stating potential show-stoppers like :

1) Insufficient Annular Ring : We require a minimum of .005� annular ring for vias, a minimum of .007� for component holes.

2) Insufficient Copper Spacing : we require a minimum of .005" spacing.

Thing is, I have specified min 8mils via and 12mils pad in the restring tab and at least 8mil clearance in the clearance tab in the Eagle DRC. Wouldn't that have been taken care of?

Or is there 'gotchas' that I should take note of?

Yes, autorouted o) and then did a DRC with no errors.

Have also viewed the Gerber files using Viewplot.

If I plan to use autoroute, how should I configure the DRC (eg the DRU file) to correct the faults (clearance and annular ring errors) pointed out by the DFM checker?
Ugh. I hate the Eagle autorouter. Do it by hand like a real designer

Post your files, or the link to their "PLOTS" pdfs at freedfm, I'll take a look at them. I use Eagle and Advanced Circuits/FreeDFM with never a problem. But I don't autoroute.
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Guess being able to do hand-routing separates the boys from the men , but learning Eagle to even draw schematics is a huge learning curve for me.

Here's my Eagle files. Made some changes since then, but still with auto-routing .

I suppose if it clears AC's DFM, it should also be ok with Golden Phoenix (**broken link removed**)?Am also considering the latter to fabricate the PCB since their price seems pretty good.


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I asked before, maybe you missed it. Did they tell you where the violations are?
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sorry, i must have missed it.

Here's the link for the violations.

**broken link removed**

Note that the attachment posted earlier has some changes made since then.

Just sent the files for DFM analysis. Think more productive to wait for that one. Will post the link when ready. Thanks!
To fix the masks problem. Click on "Masks" in design rules in Eagle and set "stop" to
3mil min 0% 3mil max. That will make the solder mask pads 3 mil greater than the copper pads.
report just back **broken link removed**

interestingly, no show stoppers this round (and with auto-route ).

although DFM says it will fix the silk screen line width problem, i'll play with it to see if i can get 0 problems.

concurrently, i queried earlier with golden phoenix and they hv problems with my dimensions needed for slots for my dc power jack and slide switch. For milling, they need X (A.N.D) Y size>than 1.5mm. The one I am using is attached. Any thots?

I have not decided on AC or GP, but thought I get all my grounds covered. Thks!


  • DC Jack.jpg
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It almost looked on the earlier report that the layer ADDA.sol was being plotted with the incorrect grid or origin.
now that you mentioned this, i had a relook at both versions of the gerber files w the gerber viewer and realized that in the 1st version (ie adda.sol), the sol layer was not lined up with the other layers. it layed opposite, like it was mirrored compared to other layers.

being new in this area, i thot this is the way things are. in the revised version, every layer lined up. hmmm....not sure how the 1st version ended up that way, but guess i've learnt something new today.

any tip/recommendations for the slot 'problem' I mentioned earlier? Thks!
Strange, I seem to be having the same problem.

I've ordered from AC using Eagle auto router many times before (though on an older version of Eagle, 4.6 I think).

Maybe something is different in the new version (5.4)?
I found the solution...

In eagle, when you load the gerb274x job, it will load several tabs in the window (one for each file it creates). Make sure "mirror" is unchecked for EACH one. By default, it is checked for a couple of them.

I think you can save this preference for future jobs.

Hope that helps!
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