EAGLE PCB LAYOUT users...i nid ur help!

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New Member
im goind to build my layout for this programmer and i dont know wer to find for this device.....plz help.....tnx to picallw......


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its kind of hard to tell from the picture , but it looks like a 5, 6, or 12 V input jack .
does it have a round hole on the side with a small rod in the middle..?
williB said:
its kind of hard to tell from the picture , but it looks like a 5, 6, or 12 V input jack .
does it have a round hole on the side with a small rod in the middle..?

yup....its an input jack for its supply...it does hve a round hole in side and with a small rod in the middle.....but i cant find with EAGLE coz i dont know its device name.....
It's usually called a pcb power jack? I found a part # in eagle as NEB21R in the con-lumberg library. There's 2 different jacks, a 2.1mm and a 2.5mm, but it looks like the PCB footprint is the same.
jrz126 said:
It's usually called a pcb power jack? I found a part # in eagle as NEB21R in the con-lumberg library. There's 2 different jacks, a 2.1mm and a 2.5mm, but it looks like the PCB footprint is the same.

uh huh....ur right sir...its an dc power jack.....u think theres a device for this in eagle?im rily having a hard time looking for....plz help anybody.....
yeah there is a part in eagle, I gave you the part # and the name of library that it is in.
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