EAGLE restricted area

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I am using EAGLE 5.11. I made my schematic design. After that, I had to do the board layout but I encountered 1 problem.

The circuit that I am to do requires a wide space. I think the rectangular white box serves as the limit for the autorouter and will be the only place to put the components. So I had to use the move command so that the rectangular white box, (3.95 by 3.15 inches) will be wider. Now the rectangular box is wider. What I know is that I can place the components anywhere inside the rectangular box. But it didn't work that way. The 3.95 by 3.15 area is all I could use.

What do I do to solve my problem?
The free edition has the limitation. either you have to buy the licence
or use only board dirrect making schematic seperately. how ever, you may upload the sch so that we can also check wherter is is possible
Hi meowth08,

a white area is no restriction area. It's a stop area for PCB manufactures to keep the area free of solderstop, e.g. to use that space for component cooling mounted with the tap directly onto the copper pad.

It doesn't make sense to create a restriction area if you want to place components within that area.

The white area is generated by Eagle if the component package has been disigned with the bRestrict used for that particular part. There layer29 and layer30 are used to keep the area "naked".

Restriction areas are generated by the user drawing rectangular restrictions on layer41 (tRestrict) or layer42 (bRestrict).

However routing manually Eagle will ignore the restriction area. It will route arond restriction ares using the autorouter.

Take a look at the two images. There won't be any solder stop print within the white rectangle.

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The 3.95 by 3.15 area is all I could use.

MVS Sarma is correct. Freeware Eagle is limited to a board space of 4 inches by 3.2 inches. You cannot place components outside of this area.

Another option other than buying or moving to another program is to split your design into multiple boards and connect them together.
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you may make it MVS Sarma

thanks mark. i felt that Mvs could be well misspelt as Mrs.
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Sorry, I got mislead by the "white area".

It's obviousy the dimension layer (20) giving him problems.

You can widen that area to 4,000X4,000mm and not be able to place a component beyond 100X80mm.

Even the no-profit version of Eagle allows board sizes larger than 160X100mm

Thank you MVS sarma, DirtyLude, and Boncuk. I think I have to chop my schematics and then connect them afterwards. Mine is just freeware so my board working area is limited.


What I was trying to make was the layouts you provided for my obstacle detector. I combined the receiver circuit and the steer-drive circuit. That's why I needed a wider area.
Hi meowth08,

I imagined that you're talking about the US-TX/RX circuit.

There should be more than plenty of space to get both - receiver and transmitter on a board of 100X80mm.

If you tell me what kind of transmitter and receiver ciruit you will finally be using I'll be glad to design a PCB for you.



Yes. This is the US Tx/Rx. I will use the transmitter circuit and the steer and drive circuit you gave me. For the receiver, I will use the receiver circuit I posted in the homework section with the modifications you gave. Actually, I have made the schematic diagrams. There are three circuits: transmitter, receiver, and steer-drive. I am having a hard time on the steer-drive. My manual routing always fail. Autorouting always leave 4 or 5 wires unrouted. Trying to find ways for the unrouted wires to be routed will lead me to unrouting more wires then eventually, RIP UP all.

I will very much appreciate any help you could give me on the PCB design sir.

Added later:

I saw this recently posted receiver circuit sir. (http://www.ecelab.com/circuit-ultrasonic-r.htm)
Do you think this is better than the one I first posted in the homework help section?

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